Peter Beinart Profile picture
Editor-at-Large, Jewish Currents. Author, "Beinart Notebook" on Substack. Prof, Newmark School of Journalism, CUNY. MSNBC Analyst. Tweets=my views, not CUNY's
Lauri Garber Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 24, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
1. For decades, Palestinians have been largely excluded from the mainstream US media conversation about Israel-Palestine. That exclusion continues today, and represents one more form of Palestinian dispossession. 2. Over the years, in conjunction with Palestinian friends and allies, I’ve tried to address this erasure by repeatedly asking bookers and editors to include more Palestinian voices.
Jul 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
During quarantine I spent a lot of time reading Palestinian writing. And I prayed for the humility to hear truths that were sometimes hard to swallow. Since I enjoy an unearned privilege in this conversation, I want to acknowledge some of the writing that has shaped my thinking. My friend Yousef Munayyer's essay in Foreign Affairs, which goes into important detail about constitutional protections in an equal state…
Jan 27, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
1. I'm joining @JewishCurrents as Editor-at-Large. (I'll remain a contributor at The Atlantic--where I write on non-Jewish topics--and CNN, and a professor at CUNY). I want to explain why. 2. Ten years ago, I wrote about my hope that young American Jews would see the fight for Palestinian freedom as a matter of Jewish honor. Since then, young American Jews have turned that impulse into a movement. @JewishCurrents has become its journalistic voice.