Peter Obi Profile picture
Former Governor, Anambra State. LP Presidential Candidate, 2023. Tweets by him are signed -PO.
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Jul 22 11 tweets 2 min read
When Nigeria returned to democratic governance in 1999, it maintained an average GDP growth of about 6.72% for 16 years from 1999-2014. The impressive growth trajectory, unfortunately, was not sustained by the then-new government and our GDP growth collapsed to 2.79% in 2015 and
then sank into a recession in 2016 with a negative growth of -1.58% and 0.82% in 2017. For the past 9 years, Nigeria's economy has seen unprecedented retrogression on many fronts.
Jul 21 7 tweets 1 min read
Today, after mass service, personal thanksgiving prayers, and reflection on the blessings of my birthday, I am filled with immense gratitude. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all who have sent me good wishes and supported me over the years. Your encouragement strengthens my resolve to work towards a better society for all, especially the less privileged.
Jul 7 7 tweets 2 min read
We, the Nigerian political leaders, should take a strong lesson from the recent Kenyan experience. When the Kenyan public realized that their government was not making sufficient sacrifices and prioritizing resources effectively, they spoke out, demanded change, Image expressed their dissatisfaction, and protested. In response, the President demonstrated true Leadership by listening to the people's demands and acting accordingly, recognizing that government should be driven by the needs of the citizens, not by our own consumption agenda.
Jun 29 7 tweets 1 min read
All available evidence has confirmed that the Nigerian government is implementing four national budgets concurrently. This is in blatant disregard for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability. It is also a recipe for chaos, confusion, and catastrophe. This intentionally reckless action will lead to frivolous items in the approved budgets competing with essential projects for limited resources, further exacerbating the suffering of the Nigerian people.
Jun 24 6 tweets 1 min read
The gruesome murders of General UH Udokwere (rtd) in his Abuja home and Joel Waksi, a fearless journalist, are a serious reminder of the failed state of our nation's security apparatus. That these heinous crimes occurred in the seat of power, Abuja, against an Army General and in a journalist's case, after being declared missing for five days, is a damning indictment of this government's inability to protect citizens. The fact that General Udokwere was killed in his own home, and Joel just was murdered days after being declared missing,
Jun 24 7 tweets 1 min read
I am compelled to address the alarming exodus of multinational companies from Nigeria, which has cost our nation a staggering N95 trillion in the past five years. According to The New Telegraph, in the last year alone, over ten multinational giants such as GlaxoSmithKline, Equinor, Sanofi-Aventis, Bolt Food, Procter & Gamble, Jumia Food, PZ Cussons, and Kimberly-Clark, Diageo and others, have exited Nigeria, citing eerily consistent reasons.
Jun 17 10 tweets 2 min read
At a time when our country is trending on the global media for facing its worst economic crisis, marked by high inflation, a falling currency, and widespread poverty, the government's plan to buy new presidential jets demonstrates extreme insensitivity to citizens' struggles. With rising insecurity, poverty, hunger, and homelessness, this decision highlights the disconnect between the government and the people. It is unacceptable and demands a more compassionate use of resources, prioritizing citizens' welfare.
Jun 12 9 tweets 2 min read
As the global community commemorates the World Day Against Child Labour today, I like to add my voice against all forms of child labour and exploitation of our children in our society. This day reminds us that our children must be protected, their human rights respected and their future invested in. In Nigeria, we must restate our commitment to combating child labour which remains a serious societal issue that,
Jun 12 13 tweets 2 min read
As our dear nation marks Democracy Day today, commemorating 25 years of striving to be a democratic country, the fundamental question for all of us remains: Are we truly democratic? An unexamined life is not worth living, so it is now time to re-examine what we have been doing over this quarter of a century. Democracy, as we know, is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Jun 8 9 tweets 2 min read
The outcome of the recent South African election results remains a shining example of what a transparent and efficient democratic electoral process should look like.

With about 60% Voter turnout, over 90% of polling open on time, allowing diaspora voting, the results and updates were real-time without any form of technical glitches during the election .
Jun 6 5 tweets 1 min read
For the avoidance of doubt, ‘I remain a committed, Loyal Labour Party member’. That is my definitive response to all Nigerians who may be in doubt about my party affiliation in the light of recent reports and conflicting interpretations of recent political expressions. I have just been confronted by a Journalist at Abuja airport wanting to know if my statement on Obidient Movement yesterday is a signal of my leaving the Labour Party. For the attention of all those holding such an impression and for the general public,
Jun 5 9 tweets 2 min read
I like to categorically state that the Obidient Movement is not directorate of any particular political party. Any individual or individuals claiming to be leaders of this non-existent directorate are simply not members of the broader Obidient Movement. There may be a youth mobilization directorate in political parties but the Obidient movement is far beyond a particular political party. The Obidient Movement is a diverse and inclusive collective that transcends traditional political, religious, and ethnic affiliations.
May 25 9 tweets 2 min read
Closure of Banex Plaza.

The fracas that occurred last Saturday at the vibrant Banex Plaza business area in Abuja between some military personnel and traders has led to a one-week closure of the ever busy business precinct . This incident and it’s disruptive aftermath is yet another manifestation of the growing tension and intolerance in our nation. It is a matter of grave concern about the present state of unease and growing tension between civilians and our security operatives especially the
May 18 8 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, I was in Kenya to honor an invitation to the Inaugural Colloquium on Governance, Trade and African Unity where I delivered a Keynote Address on Fiscal Discipline in Governance: Strategies for Economic Stability and Growth in Africa.

I used the occasion to emphasize that governments in Africa must now, as a matter of priority, ensure appropriate fiscal discipline and effective management of their resources for productivity.
May 8 8 tweets 1 min read
The recent announcement of Microsoft Nigeria to its workers about shutting down its innovation center in Lagos and cutting 200 jobs is deeply troubling. It underscores the urgent need for comprehensive economic reforms in Nigeria. This further highlights the challenges and broader issues plaguing the Nigerian economy. The closure of Microsoft's innovation center represents yet another significant setback for Nigeria's aspirations to become a hub for technology and innovation in Africa.
May 8 6 tweets 1 min read
The introduction of yet another tax, in the form of Cybersecurity Levy, on Nigerians who are already suffering severe economic distress is further proof that the government is more interested in milking a dying economy instead of nurturing it to recovery and growth. This does not only amount to multiple taxation on banking transactions, which are already subject to various other taxes including stamp duties but negates the Government’s avowed commitment to reduce the number of taxes and streamline the tax system.
May 2 16 tweets 3 min read
It has come to my attention, and I strongly denounce the distortion of facts surrounding my actions and statements during my tenure as governor of Anambra State, particularly concerning the ongoing demolitions for the construction of the Lagos-Calabar coastal super highway. I aim to address these issues directly, devoid of political rhetoric, to ensure clarity for all. Let me be unequivocal: during my governorship, I made it abundantly clear that all structures obstructing existing roads and lacking approval would be removed.
May 1 5 tweets 1 min read
I have just confirmed two very gory road accidents in Kogi and Enugu states respectively that claimed the lives of 35 persons. The Kogi incident happened on Sunday along Okene/Lokoja bye where 19 persons were roasted alive while the other occurred along Nsukka/Enugu Road in Enugu state on Tuesday claiming the lives of sixteen persons. The Enugu State Police Command and Kogi State Federal Road Service Corps, FRSC have confirmed the two accidents.
Apr 30 14 tweets 2 min read
Lagos-Calabar Highway: FG adamant on a Misplaced Priority.

Contrary to reason and the necessity for compassion in public policy, the federal government has commenced the controversial Lagos-Calabar coastal highway project. The outcry against this project has been overwhelming due to the current situation in the country. However, reports as of yesterday indicate that demolition of businesses and residences in the designated right of way for the project has commenced from the Lagos end.
Apr 26 9 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, I read a report in the Media on how Tanzania, our East African fellow nation, recently shut down five hydroelectric stations to reduce excess electricity in the national grid. Their decision to shut down these power stations stemmed from the fact that their electricity production was already enough to power their major cities and give electricity access to the rural dwellers.
Apr 22 17 tweets 3 min read
I have closely followed the comments and developments arising from the coastal (Lagos-Calabar) Super highway Project. While I'm hesitant to engage in contentious debates about its benefits, which I acknowledge, and the pricing, which I have serious concerns about, and believe should be thoroughly reviewed, I am compelled to raise essential questions about the timing and prioritization of such a monumental venture. At the forefront of my concerns is the pressing issue of numerous uncompleted roads scattered across the country,