Peter Orlowicz Profile picture
Admin law atty, IL native, U.S. Navy veteran, #appellatetwitter participant, ethics enthusiast, railroad law-talkin' guy, not always in that order.
Aug 12, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
Hi all,

Hard to know where to start, because it’s been a wild seven days. Spoiler alert, though, this is where it ends: Peter with Tiny Human on his chest in the neonatal intensive care unit Needless to say, we didn't expect to meet Tiny Human for another 6-7 weeks. @mreno79 had tracked her blood pressure through most of pregnancy, but last Monday our @NorthwesternMed docs looked at her blood pressure logs and called her to come into the hospital.
Jun 13, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
Alright, fine, let's do this. My knowledge and experience here stems from not quite five years on an agency ethics staff, including advising both civil service and Presidential appointees and their staff on Hatch Act compliance. (Opinions are, as always, mine alone.) It's true that, as with any set of ethics or anti-corruption rules, details at the margins start to look arbitrary. But the heart of the Hatch Act is about separating the function of (and funding for) governing from the function of (and funding for) campaigning.