Petrolhead Biker Profile picture
Scot with dual Irish citizenship. Yes to an independent Scotland. YesBiker; Celtic STH; Sometimes resident in Spain
You’re all making plans for me. Allegedly. Profile picture markrowantree Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
1/10 at a family dinner in Spain last night. Table plan had me next to a elderly English couple. Quintessentially Gammon. On hearing my Scottish accent, the old fella says ‘Gordon Brown ruined the UK’. Good opener I thought 2/10 Turns out they are Brexiteers. Ah, I said, “how well is that going then? Genuinely, please point out a benefit, any benefit to the country?”
Aug 26, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Disaster capitalism and super-elitism. A 🧵 Let’s examine what is happening. Energy prices are out of control. An absent government. Brexit. Systematic corruption and plundering of the nations assets. NHS being made to fail, inflation out of control. Workers earnings deliberately eroded and driven down over 12 years; citizen and workers rights taken away
Jun 11, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵 a no to yes journey, the consequences of Brexit and get us out of here @theSNP In my younger days I was a ‘Global Scot’; an entrepreneur; I commuted to London weekly (30 years); travelled the world on business and genuinely thought the UK was better together. I voted No (to my shame now) in 2014.