Phil Mitchell:Specialist Working With Abused Males Profile picture
20yrs working with hundreds of abused boys/men | Highlighting misandry & men’s issues | Author | Former Victim | Supervisor | Trainer | Public Speaker #CSE #CSA
2 subscribers
Mar 26 6 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts on this

#Adolescence Image 2/6
And when there is often a quick, loud & often vicious response using such horrific crimes to generalise the demographic of men, YOU BET you’ll hear “Not all men”

In fact; it’s not most men Image
Mar 24 6 tweets 2 min read
The article says “The manosphere tells boys they're under the attack”

Of course boys will feel they’re under attack when you target them & only them based on the severe harm a fraction of a percentage of them do Image 2/6
Of course the boys kick off! You’re treating them like inherent abusers on the edge of committing a severe violent act & they see this, & they see how you tell them to respect girls but say nothing to girls about respecting boys Image
Mar 21 9 tweets 3 min read
A few thoughts on this Image 2/9
The headline makes a clear claim saying women HAVE been dumped for this reason but the text in the article says women BELIEVE they have been dumped for this reason Image
Mar 20 8 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts on this Image 2/9
You know what I think is joyless & depressing; platforming someone & considering their views on “toxic masculinity” when they hold an attitude like this 👇 Image
Mar 19 13 tweets 4 min read
A few thoughts on this Image 2/13
“Gender-based prejudice is often normalized in our culture, making it challenging to recognize — especially for men, who do not experience this form of oppression firsthand”


Men experience it every day. It’s just ignored, minimised & justified by misandrists
Feb 7 23 tweets 9 min read
Book: Sexually Aggressive Women edited by Peter B. Anderson & Cindy Struckman-Johnson

Highlights and comments follow
1/ Image 2/
Chapter: Introduction

“Peter chose the…topic of women’s sexual aggression toward adolescent & adult men. Peter quickly discovered that his choice was controversial. Some colleagues told him his research was potentially damaging to women’s causes…
Jan 10 21 tweets 7 min read
Thread on Andrew Tate, & the term ‘toxic masculinity’ (TM) & problems with its use
TM is defined by many as the expectation that boys & men (B&M) must always rigidly adhere to being dominant, aggressive & emotionally detached 2/21
I think it’s more reasonable & logical to refer to this as a toxic expectation, rather than toxic masculinity (TM)

As research & reports highlight, the phrase is unhelpful & toxic itself
Jan 8 23 tweets 4 min read
Thread on false allegations (FAs)
There is a constant narrative that FAs are rare

FAs are taken a lot less seriously than other types of abuse, & they are not as rare as we are often led to believe

Here are 6 points addressing FAs 2/23
1. Laws:
FAs are covered under offences such as ‘wasting police time,’ ‘perjury,’ & ‘perverting the course of justice.’ These offences focus more on the legal system being affected, rather than the actual victim being affected
Jan 1 24 tweets 16 min read

“Show me proof of widespread misandry & men’s issues”

OK. Here we go...

1. There’s an 85-page violence against women/girls strategy but not a *parallel* one for boys/men (19 pages) despite men statically experiencing more (& dying more) from physical violence than women Image

Note: Whilst the ONS previously said men were more likely to be victims of violent crime (homicide, & crimes involving firearms & knives) than women, they later said women were more likely to experience it & appeared to include crimes that involved no physical violence Image
Dec 4, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
A charity surveyed more than 10,000 children aged 13-17 in England/Wales about their experiences:

“In contrast to DA in adults, the survey found boys in relationships are more likely to say they experience violent or controlling behaviours (57%) compared to girls (41%)” Image 2/15
If the data showed girls were saying they experience these behaviours more than boys, I suspect gender would be focused on much more in the headline, in the article & in comments made by commentators

Here’s a link to the actual report:…Image
Nov 22, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
This is utterly appalling

A few thoughts… Image 2/8
Boys may be more physically active than girls in the playground but this does not necessarily equate to dominance, & even if it does, this is not a harmful version of dominance
Nov 3, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
‘Why must women become their husbands' unpaid therapists? Inside the rise of 'mankeeping' - and the sad reason why so many men have no one else to turn to after a hard day’

My thoughts follow…

(Use the 12ft ladder we sure to bypass the paywall)… 2/20
“To the men reading this: do you talk about your most heartfelt concerns to your wife or girlfriend – but no one else? ….The problem is, chaps, & I hate to be the one breaking it to you, but your significant other may feel differently about this arrangement”
Nov 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
“I’d never suggest that every man is a predator, even the good men seem unable to fully grasp what it's like for us women”

I disagree. I think it’s more reasonable to say that the good men are sick of constantly being grouped in with the bad men & expected to tolerate it 2/5
As for THAT clip on the Graham Norton show, focusing so intensely on how women (who are statistically less likely than men to be attacked on the street) FEEL about being attacked on the street whilst comparatively ignoring how men are most victims of street based violence…
Oct 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
‘Men are refusing to give lifesaving CPR to a women - because they're afraid to touch their breasts’

A few thoughts…… 2/6
Perhaps we are heading towards a society where women are scared abusive men will harass/physically harm them, & where men are scared abusive women will harm them by making false/exaggerated allegations
Sep 9, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Last month the British Transport Police (BTP) released a report highlighting that violence against women had increased

In addition to language being manipulated (see thread below), male victims were excluded

I submitted a freedom of information request

Here's the response 2/10
Here's a copy of part of my request: Image
Aug 31, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
7 problem addressing “male violence” in the way we often do & 5 possible solutions

Thread 🧵 2/14
1. Prejudice: The narrative surrounding the issue strongly promotes prejudice, suggesting it’s OK to generalise & vilify boys & men (based on the harm the minority of them do) but no other demographic. Hateful & unhelpful
Jul 18, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
It goes without saying that the abusive behaviour by anyone needs to challenged & dealt with

Some of the examples in this video clearly show men behaving inappropriately & disrespectfully, & this of course needs to be addressed…. 2/10
It is also important not to exclude important context. 20 men out of a large number of men does not represent men in general, & I think it reasonable to say that many of the men we see were being complimentary, not threatening
May 3, 2024 25 tweets 16 min read
We’re told some women prefer the bear because men don’t do enough

Men do plenty!

We just see the media reporting on the bad the minority of men do, a lot more than they report on the good many more men do

Thread addressing how men do plenty 2/25
‘Shocking moment mob turn the tables on violent prowler after he was seen punching a woman on NYC street amid flurry of random attacks’…
Nov 17, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
‘Government ignores calls for sex education targeted at boys to tackle harassment’

My thoughts…

@HouseofCommons… 2/21
“… existing relationships, sex & health education (RSHE) in schools is less engaging & applicable to boys than girls, despite boys & men being most responsible for harm & abuse”

Here’s an idea. Stop generalising boys like this & you may find that they are more engaged
Sep 10, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
“they retain power, wealth & status”…

… a minority of men - not men in general

I present to you the apex fallacy in all its glory… 2/13
Referring to men as a “dominant” group… I can’t decide if this is fuelled by stupidity, ignorance, hate, ideology or all four…
Aug 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

A message for boys/men: when you get a get angry some of you may feel the urge to hit something. This is a natural urge for many boys/men which is supported by a wealth a science but here are 4 tips on how to physically express your anger appropriately if you feel the need… 2/7

1. Inform & discuss
Consider telling your partner that when you get very angry you feel the urge to lash out (obviously you can choose your own words) & that this is a natural emotion that needs to be expresses & men on average express physically…