Phil Mitchell: Male Sexual Abuse Specialist Profile picture
19 years working with sexually abused boys/men | Highlighting misandry & men’s issues | Author | Former Victim | Supervisor | Trainer | Public Speaker #CSE #CSA
Aunty Cookie Blue 👀🤯 wet pussy Profile picture Caveat lector! Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 3 25 tweets 16 min read
We’re told some women prefer the bear because men don’t do enough

Men do plenty!

We just see the media reporting on the bad the minority of men do, a lot more than they report on the good many more men do

Thread addressing how men do plenty 2/25
‘Shocking moment mob turn the tables on violent prowler after he was seen punching a woman on NYC street amid flurry of random attacks’…
Nov 17, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
‘Government ignores calls for sex education targeted at boys to tackle harassment’

My thoughts…

@HouseofCommons… 2/21
“… existing relationships, sex & health education (RSHE) in schools is less engaging & applicable to boys than girls, despite boys & men being most responsible for harm & abuse”

Here’s an idea. Stop generalising boys like this & you may find that they are more engaged
Sep 10, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
“they retain power, wealth & status”…

… a minority of men - not men in general

I present to you the apex fallacy in all its glory… 2/13
Referring to men as a “dominant” group… I can’t decide if this is fuelled by stupidity, ignorance, hate, ideology or all four…
Aug 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

A message for boys/men: when you get a get angry some of you may feel the urge to hit something. This is a natural urge for many boys/men which is supported by a wealth a science but here are 4 tips on how to physically express your anger appropriately if you feel the need… 2/7

1. Inform & discuss
Consider telling your partner that when you get very angry you feel the urge to lash out (obviously you can choose your own words) & that this is a natural emotion that needs to be expresses & men on average express physically…
Jun 23, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
‘The sexual exploitation of boys: Lost on the margins of GBV responses?’… 2/7
“Perhaps most striking was how many people had misconceptions about the sexual exploitation of boys, for example that it was all perpetrated by homosexual or foreign tourist offenders...
Jun 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
‘Sexual exploitation of children: Barriers for boys in accessing social supports for victimization’

“The global evidence regarding sexual exploitation of children (SEC) is expanding, however, the majority of research continues to focus on girls”… 2/7
“Legal frameworks create barriers when binary gendered terminology defines sexual violence, thereby excluding anyone other than women and girls from protection”

“For example, laws described victims of sexual crimes with language inclusive of women and girls only”
Jun 23, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
‘Frontline support services for boys who have experienced child sexual exploitation: A thematic review of survey data from seven countries’

Shame the research uses ideological phrases & demonises masculinity. We need less narrow & more open thinking… 2/19
“Child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) affects all children, but research on the needs and experiences of boys is lacking, support services are limited, and workers lack specialized training to meet their specific needs”
Jun 23, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
‘Enhancing a survivor-centred approach to healthcare provision in Afghanistan: Understanding and addressing the barriers faced by male victims/survivors of sexual violence’… 2/13
“Men and boys may experience sexual violence, particularly in conflict settings. However, in Afghanistan little is known about the barriers they face accessing healthcare services”
Jun 23, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
‘How to Solve the Education Crisis for Boys and Men’ - Ted talk by @RichardvReeves

“Compared to girls, boys face two structural disadvantages in education. Their brains develop later… boys have higher levels of sensation seeking and significantly lower levels of impulse control”
Jun 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
'Which groups are most affected by sexual violence? A disaggregated analysis by sex, age, and HIV-status of adolescents living in South Africa'… 2/8
“While girls *reported* higher rates of exploitative (18.4% vs 12.3%) and contact sexual violence (12.3% vs 4.6%), there were no differences in levels of non-contact sexual violence by sex”
Jun 23, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Some new research papers around the sexual abuse & exploitation of boy has been released. Here's one:

'A global systematic scoping review of literature on the sexual exploitation of boys'… 2/6
“A total of 254,744 boys were represented across 81 studies”

“As victims, boys have received much less clinical and research attention”

“Professional failures to recognize and respond adequately to boys' sexual exploitation may prevent access to support”
Jun 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
In this podcast (& others) Rylan seems insistent on pushing the phrase “toxic masculinity”. There are some good bits but there are some bits that aren’t so good in my view… 2/9
Janet suggest men are “running everything”. She says women are expected to do too much work in the home & blokes don’t do enough. Really? Who fixes the car, paints the shed, sorts the car, does the heavy lifting?
Jun 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Warning: content some may find distressing

“Ann's case graphically demonstrates why it is so important to preserve female-only safe spaces & services”

No it doesn’t

Ann’s experience is without doubt horrific & abusive… & at the same time…… 2/5
It is not (as is implied here) typical violent behaviour of females OR males

The sad reality is that a minority of people (men AND women) can trick people into thinking they’re safe people in order to perpetrate abuse….
Jun 21, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
'Does patriarchy exist in the West today, except as a lazy slogan?'

Good blog by Eric Anderson via @CentreMalePsych… 2/8
"...scholars have made the mistake of assuming that if something is controlled by men, it must also always favour men. Yet, controlled by is not the same as controlled for"

"This makes the gender pay gap an illusion of patriarchy"
Mar 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I’m seeing: “When 1 in 3 women are victims of r*pe perpetrated by men, that means it's more likely to be 1 in 3 men who r*pe”

No it’s not

The lengths some people go to, to justify their misandry…🙄 2/5
There are some important points to remember

1. If we only/mainly ask girls & women about their experiences of abuse but never/rarely ask boys & men about theirs, this is likely to affect the data
Jan 5, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A short thread on proven malicious false allegations (based on my professional experience)

There are those who…

fear being falsely accused

are threatened with being falsely accused

ARE falsely accused but not reported

ARE falsely accused & reported to police 2/10
Of those who ARE maliciously falsely accused AND reported to police there can be:

A) Clear evidence the accuser is lying
B) No evidence or not enough clear evidence the accuser is lying

I’ll focus now on A)
Jan 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
X: Patriarchy is civilisation built by men to benefit men & to control women
Y: To control women? We have campaigns to prioritise crimes against women & girls, we have a VAWG strategy, we have significantly more funding to protect women… 2/5
Y: … we have more initiatives to encourage women into certain fields, we have certain laws protecting women (not men), we live in a society that condemns abuse against women where people run to help women at risk. I see more support & protection of women than control…
Apr 30, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
I am sick to death of people using ONS data to state that boys & men are rarely the victims of sexual offences compared to women

As I have said before, ONS data is from victims disclosing to police or the Crime in England & Wales survey… 2/13
… For numerous reasons, abused boys & men don’t disclose & won’t engage with the police or the survey

We are also making it A LOT harder for abused boys & men to disclose

Here’s how…
Apr 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The author says she has no attachment to the result of the trial either way but mentions ideological concepts such as
“Gendered violence”, “toxic masculinity” & “a patriarchal society”

No attachment either way?

Really?… 2/6
“our attitude to victims is still far from perfect”

I agree but what is a perfect response? Expecting police to automatically believe all allegations without question (as I think is being implied here)?

That’s simply not reasonable
Apr 29, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I’m all for initiatives that teach children the importance of respect

I’m not at all for initiatives that teach just boys the importance of respecting just girls

Misogyny AND misandry are both worthy of attention… 2/13
“Every man & boy… has a responsibility to play their role to end violence against women & girls”

What does this look like in practice, what is the possible underlying implication, & how May boys perceive such a message?
Apr 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
“PTSD is a mental health disorder that arises after experiencing a traumatic event in about 10% of exposed individuals”… 2/5
“Although men experience traumatic events more often than women overall, studies have shown that women are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop PTSD after experiencing a traumatic event than men: about 10% to 12% in women compared with 5% to 6% in men”