Phillip Kline Profile picture
Former Attorney General of Kansas / DA / State Rep. Director, Amistad Project. Professor, Liberty University @freedoomcenterlu @AmVoterAlliance
11 subscribers
Jan 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Trump v. Biden document differences. 1. Trump, # of docs on varied topics consistent with chaotic nature of leaving office. Biden, small # of docs on same or similar topics reveal specific intent. 2. Trump could declassify as President. Biden as VP could not. 3. Trump docs at home. Biden docs at private office, left vacant for years. 4. Trump Russian collusion proven false. Hunter Biden- China collusion evidence becoming difficult to ignore. 5. Trump: No evidence of any foriegn influence at his home. Biden think tank linked to China.
Dec 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
If Hobbs is successful in dismissing Lake's suit it only proves 1) election officials can violate procedure and law without accountability 2) partisan private vendors can still be used to conduct core government functions 3) legislators & others have failed to learn from 2020... and 4) many of those who claimed to fix the 2020 problems are wrong! Exs: GA claimed to ban private money, but endorsed it. Many states still allow consolidated count centers and interim ballot handling facilities enabling evasion of transparency laws....
Jul 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s good to see a sincere bipartisan effort to address the ambiguity and structure of the electoral college act that resulted in confusion in the 2016 and 2020 elections and continuing arguments relating to manner in which we select our nation’s leader. A key provision of the proposal, however, appears to run head long into the plenary power of the state legislatures of each state to determine the manner of appointment of presidential electors under Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution.
May 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read… Indiana AG and epidemiologists: predominant disinformationon COVID is the CDC and Surgeon General - reducing citizen trust! One of the primary promoters of disinformation on the election is also the feds thru the insistent claim the election was perfect & resisting any review.
Sep 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Biden top 10: 1) let allies riot and takeover American cities in 2020, call rioters with whom you disagree inserrectionists in 2021. 2) don't trust Americans to exercise freedom w responsibility and protect the vulnerable ratherand support, quarantine the healthy. 3) claiming silencing speech w Big Tech Alliance really protects free speech. 4) put barbed wire around the capitol to keep Americans away and open the southern border. 5) have unvaccinated Americans treated as noncitizens w limited rights and don't screen foreigners for Covid.
Aug 10, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Election audits are crucial to understanding the 2020 election, but they will not – indeed, they cannot – be the final word. Audits were not designed to provide a smoking gun, and it’s reckless and counterproductive to suggest otherwise. Members of both sides of the political aisle, have created false and exaggerated expectations for Americans across the political spectrum when it comes to audits.
May 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I have three questions for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. 1. Will you produce the databases you admit the auditor does not have?
May 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Mainstream Media powers Arizona election official Stephen Richer’s fog machine as Richer tries to dodge serious findings by the AZ audit team by blaming Trump. Richer falsely claimed Trump recently claimed  the AZ voter registration database was deleted. WRONG!
May 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Today, we filed a formal complaint in Wisconsin in the hopes of restoring election integrity.
The city of Kenosha was one of five cities in the battleground state of WI that accepted a long list of conditions, set by left wing group CTCL, in exchange for money. Documents obtained under the Wisconsin Open Records Act confirm that Kenosha received $10,000 from the left-leaning CTCL as an enticement to join four other cities – Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, and Green Bay – in requesting substantial election funding from CTCL.
Apr 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Today we filed a complaint in the battleground state of Wisconsin.

We are holding the Green Bay mayor's office accountable for allowing private, partisan activists to control major elements of the 2020 election process. If partisan groups are allowed to ignore state law and dictate the rules governing elections, we no longer have a representative democracy.
Mar 31, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
People deserve a fair and transparent election process.

I propose that states need to create standing committees whose sole purview would be overseeing the integrity of the election process. These committees should have broad authority and statutory responsibility to review every election in the state and determine whether it was conducted lawfully.
Mar 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
There are many election reform measures currently being considered by state legislatures with loopholes that allow local mayors and county officials to accept private funds to run the election.

We should not codify the corrupting influence of private money into our elections. The Constitution, state, and federal law do not allow such private interference nor allow the creation of a two-tiered election system favoring one political party over the other.
Mar 10, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
"Ballots (in Wisconsin) were being cured by corporations."

Watch Live:… If the city clerk is not running the election, as the law requires, then it’s NOT a fair and transparent election.

The people of Wisconsin deserve better.
Feb 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I cannot “just forget” about the Constitution. Nor should you.

Our founders recognized the need for vigorous and aggressive debate as a method of seeking and discovering truth, forcing transparency, and enabling the electorate to hold public servants accountable. Our founders recognized that each individual has the inherent right of expression. Give a fool a stump to stand on, for we value free speech to the point that we allow fools to reveal themselves.
Feb 1, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Last night the New York Times placed an article with a number of glaring flaws about the irregularities in the 2020 presidential election. Image A recent NYT article refers to officials ‘bending the rules to make mail voting easier during the pandemic.’

This is a gross distortion intended to downplay what happened.

Election officials did not ‘bend the rules,’ they were breaking the law in a systematic fashion.
Jan 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Criminalizing speech and placing those who criticize the state in prison is the tactic of totalitarians and it is now the tactic of the left. The AG of Michigan, Dana Nessel, threatened legislators who questioned the election with criminal investigation and prosecution.
Jan 2, 2021 16 tweets 2 min read
The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden. 1. We witnessed a two-tiered election system in which state and local officials targeted Biden constituencies to turn out the vote while targeting Trump constituencies to depress the vote.
Dec 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Fulton County officials illegally accepted more than $6 million in private grants that imposed
conditions on the conduct of elections without authority from the state legislature. In addition, state election officials entered into a settlement agreement with the Democratic Party that created rules for processing absentee ballots that directly contradict the legislature’s intent.