Joseph Stramondo - ♿️✒️🤓✊️ Profile picture
Dad of 2; Spouse to @lsmithonfire; Assoc Prof and Director of @IEPA_SDSU; disability studies, philosophy, bioethics, health humanities; opinions mine, he/him
May 10, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
#AbortionIsADisabilityRightsIssue 🧵: I and my spouse are both Little People and both support abortion rights for everyone, but I want to highlight why access is especially important for us dwarfs. First, there is the issue of “double dominance.” If 2 people with achondroplasia (“Peter Dinklage” dwarfism) conceive, there is a 25% chance the embryo will receive 2 copies of the gene and be “double dominant,” which is incompatible with life. Carrying such a pregnancy to term can be deeply traumatic and should be a CHOICE.