PhilosophiCat Profile picture
Traditionalist filmmaker, Überfolk vocalist, dharma warrior, Hellenistic astrologer, Evolian acolyte, ṛta-wing dissident, metalhead, and ailurophile.
Apr 18, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
The truth is, early Christians behaved very much like a woke mob or Islamic extremists.

They demolished, vandalised, or melted down a staggering amount of art. Statues were routinely knocked down, defaced and defiled, torn limb from limb by frenzied fanatics. /1 The British Museum is home to many reminders of the deliberate damage done by early Christians. The Parthenon Marbles, for example, some of the finest statuary ever produced by Greece, have been smashed, decapitated, and some of it ground into mortar. /2 Image
Apr 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Aristocrats do not treat their women like pieces of meat in public. Sexualising her publicly invites the lascivious gazes of other men and lowers her esteem in the eyes of everyone, which by extension lowers his. This is pleb behaviour.

It’s not so much a question of “appropriateness”, as it is a signal of one’s class and status. 𝘕𝘰𝘶𝘷𝘦𝘢𝘶 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘦 phallic men think showing off their sexual conquests is how they signal power, but true blue bloods know better.

It’s up to you what nature you want to cultivate in your own soul. The upper classes adhere to a certain etiquette and formality. Reputations matter to them in a way they don’t matter to plebs. Violating social protocols is a mark of poor breeding and low character. There are no social situations where formal etiquette permits sexual displays, including ass-grabbing.
Mar 28, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
The "right wing" men who reject and hate the feminine, in both her lunar and Venusian forms, also elevate the phallic masculine as their ideal of masculinity, while hating the heroic masculine almost as much as they hate the feminine. /1 Image It makes sense, because the heroic masculine can only arise as the result of a union with the feminine within himself. If one hates and rejects his inner feminine and turns her into the darkest of shadow materials, one has NO hope of ever achieving the highest and most noble form of masculinity. /2
Dec 25, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
This guy doesn't look ethereal or angelic either. In fact, the entire cast of Rings of Power look like dysgenic modern commoners, with a lifetime of vice and character failings etched into their faces. They all look weak, ugly, miserable, or mean, or some combination thereof.

A thread This guy totally lacks the gravitas of the elves. He's doughy and sickly looking, with beady little eyes that indicate low character. He looks like he's been a basement dweller his entire life. Image
Oct 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I know a lot of guys get frustrated by women only wanting to date men who make 6 figures, but judging from this data, $100k is the average bare minimum salary needed to buy a home. And if you can’t afford a home, you can’t afford a family.

It’s little wonder that young couples, often already saddled with a lot of debt, are delaying marriage and children. Meanwhile, the government is more interested in figuring out how to fund foreign wars than solving the housing affordability crisis.
Image Almost 2/3 of American live in these 50 cities. Because that’s where the majority of the jobs are. If you don’t have a job, you can’t afford a cheap house in a rural area either.
Jul 25, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
I have also noticed a shift occurring, in which right wing, conservative, or otherwise anti-feminist women are slowly taking feminist-lite positions. They are still totally against feminism and what it represents, but feel the need to start asserting their own sovereignty.

An Amazonian revolt is the natural consequence of a failing masculine principle. Let us consider the development of Amazonism from the standpoint of the cycle of ages.

After the the end of the Golden Age, we fell into the Silver Age, in which we see the duality of masculine and……
May 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I remember when right-wing men couldn’t shut up about “securing a future for white children” and ensuring that “the beauty of the Aryan woman does not perish from the earth” and now right-wing men can’t shut up about how much they hate women, never want to get married, simp after…… This is a change that has occurred in the last 15-20 years, tops. You can say white women have betrayed white men so you want, but the fact remains that women today are not that different from women 15 years ago. This a very short time period we’re talking about and that’s a……
Apr 22, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
So you want to have an opinion on astrology, but don’t want to sound like an ignoramus?

Here is a thread of recommendations to educate your modern little mind so that you don’t embarrass yourself in front of people who know what they’re talking about. 😜

Bookmark it! /1 Image My top recommendation is this two-volume set, Ancient Astrology. Over 1300 pages covering the basics of natal charts, including worksheets to practice with. Best for the aspiring student who wants to learn the principles of delineation. /2 Image
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hi, Jeff. I don’t call myself trad and never have. I’m a Traditionalist with a capital T, something very far away from “trad”. In this video, I’m explaining what Traditionalism says about the role of women and I’m not telling anybody how to live their lives. Immature minds can only think in false dichotomies. To many, a woman is either only a feminist or a trad. I’m neither. I reject that modern paradigm wholly and I reject the simplistic labels that come with it.
Mar 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
In the West, due to various processes of post-WW2 subversion, there is a tendency to encourage people to extricate themselves from their family unit as early as possible. Parents even pride themselves on kicking their kids out at 18 to face the "real world" on their own. /1 The result of this is that it causes the life he lives and the relationships he has with various collective organisations, whether it be his friends, school, work, sports, or the state, to become more important and richer than his family life. /2
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
When people say stuff like “women voted for this”, they sound so stupid.

No one voted for any of these societal problems. They are all the result of organised subversion by wealthy people that no one voted for.

It’s bizarre that anyone still believes voting affects anything. If you want to insist that voting matters, then it’s worth noting that white women are pretty consistently split almost 50-50 in what they vote for. It was, in fact, white women who tipped the scale for Trump.
Mar 25, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The right can either welcome the women whose eyes are being opened up the fact that the left never had their backs or they can mock these women and smugly insist they got what they deserved. /1 Either you can show them a patriarchy that protects women or you can show them bitter, butthurt men that make them turn towards a 4th wave feminism. /2
Feb 25, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Here’s another thing I hate: divisive rhetoric.

All of the people who complain about "hate"- regardless of what side of the political spectrum, race, etc- never want to engage in a good faith conversation about the legitimate complaints we all have about each other. /1 The hate-obsessed just want to indulge in self-righteous anger. They are miserable people who want everyone else to feel miserable, too. And they all believe that they are unique in their suffering, that no one else's suffering is even worth talking about. /2
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
When the demand for racism outstrips the supply, you get things like the “National Day of Hate”, where only the alleged victims of hate know about the event, but none of the alleged haters have ever heard of it. With more and more groups choosing to identify as victims every day, one really has to wonder why people feel MORE empowered by feeling like perpetual victims. Victimhood is a powerless position, or so we’re told.
Feb 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
It’s interesting to me that masculinity coaching seems to me to be a much bigger thing than femininity coaching. I see tons of men coaching other men and I see some women doing relationship coaching, but I really don’t see women coaching other women in that way. Why is that? It would be interesting to hear from some women on this subject. Many of the comments are suggesting that women don't feel the need for self-improvement, but given that the biggest consumers of therapy services, self-help books, etc are women, I don't know if I agree with that.
Feb 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Many cases of depression come down to 1) having no sense of agency over your life or 2) having no sense of purpose.

(a thread) The second is (relatively) easier to deal with. Purpose comes from having a sense of responsibility in life and a higher guiding principle. These can be acquired through self-discipline and spiritual practice in most cases. (Some exceptions apply.)
Feb 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Too many people on the right think that tough love is the only way to motivate someone.

We have a whole generation of lost, broken young men who have been told their whole lives that they are worthless.

They don’t need more people telling them to get their act together. /1 They know they need to get their act together. But they don’t know how and they don’t know why it matters enough to try anyway.

What’s the point of getting your life sorted out if you don’t see any purpose to your life? The future looks bleak to these kids. /2
Feb 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Christians: how essential is it to your religious beliefs that Jesus was an actual historical person? If you obtained satisfactory proof, to your personal standards, that Jesus was not incarnated as a man, could you still hold the rest of your beliefs? Not asking to start a debate. I’ve talked to a few Christians who have said that if Jesus were proven never to have been historical, that would mean their whole religion was “wrong”. I’m wondering how prevalent this belief is because it seems bizarre to me.
Jan 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Even though I was banned on Twitter, I was still making content on YouTube. Here’s what you might have missed!

1) The latest episode of Revolt Against the Modern World. Episode 13: Universality and Centralism

2) Atlantis: A Dangerous Myth?

Does Atlantis promote racism? Let’s find out!