MP for Carleton, @CPC_HQ leader, running to be Prime Minister of Canada - Député de Carleton, chef du @PCC_HQ, candidat au poste de premier ministre du Canada
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Jan 16 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Let’s have some fun!
Every 20 minutes, I will post quotes from Mark Carney supporting carbon taxes, including his demands that these taxes go up faster.
That’s why they call him “Carbon Tax Carney.”
Hold on to your wallets!
Carbon Tax Carney Quote:
"Now so far carbon prices have been applied sparingly. They've been set far too low..."
Source: May 27, 2021
Jan 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/4 How about some math?
A variable rate mortgage is now 1.5%
Inflation is 4.8%
So adjusted for inflation, the real variable rate is MINUS 3.3%, which is like paying people to take on the biggest debt possible.
#JustinFlation2/4 The Real Estate Association says the “typical” home costs $811k for a mortgage of $770k with 5% down.
Each 1% rate hike, costs a family $7,700/year.
How many will default because they can’t afford that?
We have more places in Canada where there is no one than places where there is anyone. With so much land & so few people, why is our real estate among the world’s priciest?
The Liberals are not planning to make child care affordable. They instead want parents to pay more for it on their tax bills. A $22B/year gov-run child care program means a permanent 3% hike in the GST, with no guarantee everyone gets a space.
Parents should have the freedom to choose how to spend their child care dollars rather than having Trudeau impose his will on them.
Aug 15, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Why the hell is government giving money to “venture capitalists” in the first place? True capitalists invest their own money, not taxpayers’ money.…
We are always told big government redistributes wealth from rich to poor. Yet here again working class taxpayers fund wealthy financial elites with friends in high places.
Jan 23, 2020 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
« Depuis quelques semaines, je forme une équipe et gagne un soutien pour une possible course à la direction du Parti conservateur. En sillonnant le pays, je suis ravi par la réponse favorable.
Je savais que ce serait difficile pour ma vie familiale. Mais je n’imaginais pas combien.
Jan 23, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
"Over the last several weeks, I have been building a team and support for a possible run for the conservative leadership. In criss-crossing the country, I have been overwhelmed with the favourable response.
I knew it would be hard on my family life to do this. But I did not realize how hard. It is harder still because I had just spent the earlier 18 months campaigning furiously to win back my seat in the recent federal election, I mostly missed the 1st year of our baby's life.
Aug 30, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Quarterly GDP growth looks not as bad as the last two sluggish quarters. But beneath the surface, there is weakness.
Households are pulling back. Consumption slowed to just 0.1%, the weakest in seven years (since Q2 2012). People are feeling pinched.
Aug 8, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
You’re wrong. You raised taxes on 81% of middle-class people. You raised taxes on students by taking away education & textbook tax credits; on parents by taking away the arts/fitness tax credit & income splitting; and you hiked payroll taxes on everyone else.
There is no evidence that the rich are paying more. CRA data show that the rich paid $4.6 billion less in taxes the year your tax changes took effect.…
More recent data show that the rich are not bearing any additional share of the tax burden.
Jun 21, 2019 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Elxns Canada paid $650k to influencers who have said Trudeau “makes me happy”, “is the ideal man”, “is a champ”, “has a celebrity aura…and glow”. One called Harper “Hitler”. If Elxns Canada CEO knew this & still paid them $650k, he is biased. If he didn’t know, he’s incompetent.
The Liberals should reimburse taxpayers for the hundreds of thousands of dollars Elections Canada gave partisan Trudeau "influencers" to campaign in the election. These are partisan expenses that Liberals, and not taxpayers, should pay.
Mar 15, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/4 Trudeau plans to open the spending floodgates to drown out attention on his SNC-Lavalin corruption scandal
2/4 Trudeau is expected to break his promise of a balanced budget this year and instead present his fourth consecutive budget deficit on Tuesday
Mar 7, 2019 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
1/11 Trudeau’s interference in SNC trial had nothing to do with jobs. #JobsLie
2/11 Trudeau, Butts & Wernick have all been asked for proof SNC jobs would be lost if the company is convicted. None offered a shred of evidence. #JobsLie
Jan 21, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Trust Fund Trudeau was found guilty of breaking ethics law, for taking $200,000 worth of free island vacations from a billionaire seeking government money. He billed taxpayers for his clownish India trip, which included a celebrity chef and a convicted terrorist.
Ironically, Trudeau took away the Children’s Arts and Fitness Tax Credits because he says parents are “too rich” if they can put their kids in hockey, soccer or piano lessons. Yet this millionaire politician forces these same tax-paying families to pay for his nannies.