Piers Corbyn Profile picture
LEADER LetTheUkLive, #Piers4Mayor24. TOP Breaker #ClimateScam, Movement Fighter '21. Physics IC 1st, MSc Astrophys. DIRECTOR LongRange forecasters WeatherAction
Jul 29 7 tweets 2 min read
There's a lot of mixing of effects +political choosing of data. Be clear:
1. The biggest studies eg TERMIII show CO2 lags world temp; and ocean circulation studies show why and how.
2. EARLIER times when ocean circulation was a bit different causes confusion in timings
CONT Cont:
3 There's no evidence (Warmist's final riposte) in any data of extra warming following extra CO2 at the end of any termination.
4 Decreased albedo (reflection) will cause "sudden" extra warmings as general glaciation declines which can be wrongly attributed to CO2 rise.