Pippa Musgrave Profile picture
Trading law compliance and marketing consultant based in Shrewsbury.
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Sep 4 19 tweets 3 min read
@mrjamesob Following the announcement of the Grenfell Tower report, I thought I would pass on my experience. As you know I was a senior trading standards officer made redundant in 2010, one of the first to go as a result of Cameron's austerity cuts. I joined the profession in 1991. Whilst carrying out my professional training, trading standards was given the responsibility for the enforcement of the EU wide Construction Products regulations.
May 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@mrjamesob @BBC The article below is baloney. The EU had nothing to with metrication in 2000. It was UK government policy altering UK law (Weights & Measures Act 1985 and the Price Marking Order 1974) bbc.co.uk/news/61621893 I should know, I was a weights and inspector heavily involved in advising traders and carrying out enforcement of the changeover.
May 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
@mrjamesob We need joined up thinking. It isn't the number of jobs but also the types of jobs. An example near me: (1) There was a piece of land near me zoned for employment, preferably higher salary artisan and professional roles. This was to be low impact due to traffic concerns. (2)
Sep 23, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
@mrjamesob Catching up on your programme on Imperial measures. You got lots of things wrong. I will explain (1) Metrication was nothing to do with the EU or the Single Market. It goes way back to an International treaty the UK signed in 1856. Subsequently this treaty was modernised and it is now called the METRE Convention.
Sep 16, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
@BorisJohnson Hello Boris. Weights and Measures Inspector here. Sorry to dispel your latest bit of kite flying.

1. The UK transferring to metric measures had bugger all to do with our EU membership. (1) 2. The UK agreed, when it signed the OIML treaty in 1856 to move to a single system of measurement (S.I. units). Metric measures have been lawful in the UK since 1875. (2)
Jan 1, 2021 21 tweets 7 min read
@mrjamesob Right, as I'm working on the NI protocol at the moment, Facts. Goods from NI to GB face few checks and little paperwork (only compliance with international treaties like CITES and Kimberley Diamonds) (1) @mrjamesob You cannot deliberately route goods from Ireland, through NI to GB if your aim is to avoid taxes or duties (that is smuggling and HMRC anti-avoidance teams are in place) (2)
Jul 25, 2019 15 tweets 5 min read
@mrjamesob I know I'm talking to the knowledgeable but in any case a thread (1) @mrjamesob I sat and listened to Boris Johnson's statement to parliament today agog. Following on from his choices of carpetbaggers, opportunists and zealots to the cabinet and his choice to place the Vote Leave staff in Downing St, it's clear that this country is in very choppy waters (2)
Jan 31, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
@davidallengreen @JasonJHunter Just had a trawl of the legislation.gov.uk site for draft SIs regarding amendments to EU legislation. I can confirm, the CE mark is gone. It is to be replaced with a UK mark, but there is no indication of what that mark will be. (1) @davidallengreen @JasonJHunter So, producers of toys, electrical equipment, the verification of weighing and measuring equipment and a whole host of other sectors will now have to change labels, equipment, stamps etc to cope (2)