How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App To recap the most severe error: the author correlated suicide-rates w lithium-levels in international studies (each dot is a study). But this was a mix of suic-RATES (per 100,000) and suic-rate-RATIOS standardized to 1 in some studies or to 100 in others. You can't mix this! mainly because only the primary outcome was just below the significance threshold, the effect size was likely not clinically meaningful, and there was a significantly higher risk for suicide ideation (not discussed at all in the paper) and adverse events with esc than placebo In the RCT, Strawn et al. (2023) concluded that “Escitalopram reduced anxiety symptoms and was well tolerated”. But this conclusion is not supported by the data presented. 2/ Part of the game is the Journal impact factor. Not news. But I did not know that all this part of the game is to produce convenient research, meaning that papers should be citable - quality is secondary Suicide rates were standardized. Austria had the lowest rate (0.8 / 100.000). This doesn't fit w other data. Austria is known to have > 10/100000 suicides. As explained by the Moncrieff et al., not including this review was for a reason: "A review of tryptophan levels was not missed by our review which specified inclusion criteria of studies which measured serotonin or its metabolites.... So, do limitations of observational studies justify that our study is "rubbish", as one psychiatrist says (guess who 🙄). This criticism then applies, more or less, to all studies we used for the meta-analysis. Some of these studies appeared in respected psychiatric journals. Salzburg is small and everybody knows everyone. So, being in conflict with psychiatrists in my area can be damaging for private practice (BTW, I do private practice only on a very small scale, since my full time job is at the psychiatric clinic).