Today is #LongCovidAwarenesDay .
In fall 2022, POPNB got results from a freedom of information request we filed asking @Gov_NB (@pcnbca ) for information on LC. We just wanted to know what the status of a clinic was. We found out that PHAC sent all provinces info on LC. /1
Every single CMOH in Canada received over 30 direct and explicit warnings full of evidence on citations. @ChiefSciCan repeatedly told all CMOHs and several other health employees in all provinces about the economic and health impact #LongCOVID would have in Canada. /2
Feb 13, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
POPNB would like to take a moment to recognize an NBer who has contributed a significant amount to public understanding of the importance of IAQ. Earlier this month, Ryan Murphy delivered this presentation to NBTA members in the IAQ NetworkED group:…
Ryan is a wonderful collaborator who has put an incredible amount of effort into learning more about the indoor air quality, specifically in the school setting. We wouldn’t know nearly as much about the state of school IAQ without his work.