Deplorable Tommy P. Profile picture
A veteran major Tom worked excavating ground zero 9/11/2001 to 1/2004. Injured now retired. love God and country.
rockynickydog Profile picture Still Learning Profile picture 2 subscribed
Feb 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
To all you sick bastard demon rats. How dare you compare what happened at the capital to 911. Both Of these tragedies could have been averted. You were in charge of letting in these scumbag Highjackers into the country. Scumbag John Brennan was head of the CIA and signed off on 18 of the visas for these scumbags who did something. Scumbag Robert mueller was FBI head. What did you assholes think these guys wanted to learn how to fly jets for. I had the unfortunate pleasure of digging out these innocent Americans
Feb 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
You my friend are always welcome. I don’t have a racist bone in my body. As I’ve always said I served with the best black Americans I’ve ever known. We watched each other’s backs and watched each other bleed the same color and we both cried over the dead Young black and white Americans. Both races have served in every war we fought. Today was my first interaction with my fellow veteran brothers in quite a while as I had been hospitalized and in the rehabilitation center then at home. To have a young black
Feb 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Hello my twitter family and friends. Today a black man restored my faith that the scumbag demon rats message of racism is not fallen on deaf ears. Today I needed to go to the VA hospital for an in person visit with my oncologist and get a Chinese virus test And my second Chinese virus vaccine. I spoke to a black much younger brother veteran today while waiting. He was very smart. Like myself he is pissed off at the way people are taking our sacrifices for granted and why we served our country to stop the spread
Jun 23, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Good morning my twitter family. I don’t know how many more mornings I have left to say I love you all for being patriotic. This is from my heart. I love you all. I served this country with brave black men who knew how to fight for what was right. I worked 3 years with black men at my side on a pile of burning buildings that was the World Trade Center or twin towers or ground Zero the pile and then the pit. We worked side by side looking for Americans with a fire burning under our feet for 8 months. We didn’t
Apr 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s time we realize the demon rats are responsible for our dependence on communist China. They pushed out our jobs and drug companies with their regulations and high taxes to do business. This President has been warning us about this since before becoming President. The W.H.O is a tool of the Chinese. Why who knows but we need to stop funding them. Everything they did was to help the Chinese hide the fact that they started this virus. It was a dry run for what’s to come from these scumbags. They killed 10.000
Dec 22, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Crying Chuck. Do you remember on 911 when you and Crooked Hillary were Senators in NY. You stopped by ground Zero with smiles on your face. I’m the guy who asked you why you were smiling when you were shaking hands and getting your pictures taken. You said Nothing. You never thanked our crew of first responders and turned a cold shoulder after that. I spent 3 years after that day digging out my fellow Americans. I was injured in a fall in 2004 I was out of work and my mortgage company was foreclosing on my home