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#BlueWave #PurpleOcean
Feb 27, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@jaketapper Of course there should be consequences. Not sure if you’re referring to regular folk out there who support Biden or you know more important people in higher places, but surely you know by now only a small slice of the electorate D/R are truly informed at the level you are Jake. @jaketapper Anymore it seems media is more interested in stirring the pot than informing the public!
@CNN & other outlets have known since 2019 MBS was responsible & Trump administration was engaged in another of their many coverups!
Biden will take heat for undoing Trumps damage & for not!
Oct 6, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread 1/10
There are two things colliding under the Trump Presidency that are confusing to many Americans, especially Trump supporters. It starts with many Americans general distrust of our government caused by the open plutocracy we’ve become. This is the fault of both parties! 2)The willingness of our government not only in our own country, but around the globe to capitulate to the wealthy ruling class & corporations. Turn a blind eye to corrupt/unfair practices. In some cases writing law & code to allow for the easy transfer, hiding, and laundering $
May 2, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
1/16) Thread
@CNN has been discussing congress and the Clinton impeachment and Starr report.
Comparing hypocrisy of Dems getting rid of the independent council statute and replacing with the OSC and new regulations that Mueller had to work under. Here’s the reality in my opinion. 2)This political partisanship has been practiced by both party’s to the detriment of the people of this country & transparency in government.
Both party’s are guilty of it, although there are differences in the predicates for investigations & outcomes.
Oct 19, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
@stucam7771 @RhondaJoySings Yes it is theft, Social Security is strictly for retirement, Medicare is for illness but not accessible until retirement, Medicaid is for illness for people who have no insurance, in America healthcare is not a human right but a for profit big business that enriches investors! @stucam7771 @RhondaJoySings It’s a dispicable system in America where elites make billions of dollars from Americans that pay into insurance funds, who then create profit by elaborate schemes to deny coverage to those most in need of care, while draining the dollars paid by those least likely to become ill!