How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, the Medvedchuk TV ban point is a bit muddled in the piece. Maybe the Medvedchuk ban was the last straw, indeed, but the question is why. The piece isn't clear abt why, but the ban's importance could be construed in at least 3 ways..."for the time being" is key. Given the additional shift in the electorate away from pro-Ru positions due to the war, the next Ukr free/fair election's unlikely to return any politicians who hold ideologically pro-Ru positions... hard for the US to prevent this. US isn't responsible either for Chechnya's separatism or for Ukr's mobilization against manipulated elections. Both were due to Chechen/Ukr agency and the US role was minimal. If the US had deferred to Ru even more than it already did...