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WoW/FFXIV nerd - G'raha Tia Enjoyer - he/him 🏳️‍🌈 💙24.
Mar 21 5 tweets 3 min read
It's very funny looking back at how blatantly evil Bolvar was in Legion compared to more recentstuff lol Image Like come on man, you can't pass this off as "oh I was just doing it for The Balance :)" lmao Image
Jan 19 12 tweets 8 min read
So, it seems like with 10.2.5 going live, a *lot* of NPCs relating to draenei and troll heritage got added to the files.

Gonna be going through them here, so beware of potential spoilers for both stories by implication of these NPCs. Starting with draenei, which *seems* to be focused around Auchindoun, and potentially building a new equivalent on Azeroth.

Not only are there a bunch of soulpriest NPCs, but D'ore, the naaru that Auchindoun was originally built around.
Jan 16 9 tweets 3 min read
Okay, proper Dragonflight epilogue time, here be spoilers. Image This was a cute little capstone to the story, and a nice way of showing that the player is, in some way, being treated more like a character now.

Still a shame half these people have never even talked to each other to make that 'family' though lol
Jan 16 7 tweets 3 min read
Okay, 10.2.5 time, here be spoilers. Feel free to mute this thread/me for the day, because I'll be covering *all* of it.

Starting with Vyranoth's reason for being Aspect of Storms, I like that it calls to her and Raszageth's interactions in the book. Image Okay this is... literally everything I wanted from Wrathion this expansion, and god I wish they'd actually *told* this story beyond this conversation lol

Really hoping this is leading up to him joining us properly in TWW, and god is this *so* well choreographed/voiced, holy shit
Nov 1, 2023 40 tweets 16 min read
Finally home and free, wasn't lucky enough to get a pre-review copy so I'm doing it the old fashioned way on release day lol

Here be spoilers, but mostly out of context snippets I find interesting. Image It's nice to see Tyranastrasz get a cameo, and some confirmation that he's an *old ass dragon* lol

(maybe one day his poor skull will be taken from a fucking dwarven museum and given back to the dragons lol) Image
May 25, 2023 63 tweets 20 min read
So, 10.1's campaign is over. I gave myself a day or so to compile my thoughts, and this will be where I air them out. Warning: this will be long thread lol

Like I've said in the past, I love most of 10.1, but the biggest pain point lies in the Black Dragonflight storyline. Image To preface: I do not think the plot beats of 10.1 are inherently bad.

There is a feasible story for any of the three brothers becoming Aspect, and while Wrathion's plot was inarguably the most set up, a pivot to explore other sides of his character instead is a neat idea.
May 24, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Oh there's even *more* followup to the blue dragon storyline in the mailbox too ImageImageImageImage Really glad she got a bit of extra follow-up ImageImageImageImage
May 24, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Oh my god, they really did it, they went all out with AU characters for the Scourge timeline

That undead Vereesa is so fucking good, I am obsessed ImageImageImage Warlocks are seemingly getting a glyph that adds a visual indicator to their soulstone from the 10.1.5 questline, that's nice Image
May 23, 2023 67 tweets 52 min read
Okay I'm back and hearthed to the Archives to get started again an Tyrygosa is just. Here??? Girl what have you been doing??? Image Gonna hope she has some actual story in one of those locations lmao

Kirygosa first though Image
May 23, 2023 29 tweets 22 min read
Anyways, hoping the Blue Dragon stuff is smoother than MSQ lol

Doing it on my mage with Dragonwrath to see if there's any unique dialogue Image Already a bunch of deep cut old blue dragon NPCs, so that's great

Also my prediction is just... immediately coming true lmao ImageImageImageImage
May 23, 2023 25 tweets 15 min read
Trying to see it in game for myself before judging but uh

It's bugged entirely lmao. Ebyssian has no quest and the other two just aren't here Image Okay I exited and changed phases, now I have the opposite issue lmao Image
May 23, 2023 42 tweets 29 min read
Okay, I finally got my warlock to 70 to test the 10.1.5 questline for myself, managed to avoid most info on it

Here be spoilers Image Pretty much only seen this bit but I love it.

I like that Phineas puts a hood on in his Orgrimamr version, just to hide that he's human ImageImage
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Okay finally able to do the other wing now that it's live (and not bugged)

Seems like Aberrus as a whole is powered by Rashok, not just by latent shadowflame in the area ImageImage Pretty much a mirror of the other wing, son goes "hey that's kinda fucked up" and Neltharion eggs them on by saying he'll support the other one ImageImage
May 9, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
Oh the new shop skins are cute, I'm glad Whitemane's HotS skin lives on somewhere at least lol ImageImageImageImage Bongo n'zoth canon confirmed ImageImageImageImage
May 7, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Cute little green drakonid NPC out by the new entrance to Zaralek Cavern ImageImageImageImage Quest seems to be dracthyr only, little metaphor for their origins ImageImageImage
Apr 18, 2023 22 tweets 9 min read
Had some thoughts on troll heritage in the wake of this, since trolls and draenei are likely to get their heritage at the same time.

For troll heritage, I honestly want something much simpler: for the player to undergo the trials to become a Shadow Hunter. Image My first instinct for a troll heritage would be for it to be the meeting of the tribes to re-establish where they all are, and to give the Darkspear a proper narrative moving forward.

But I honestly think that needs to happen independent of heritage, and available for all. Image
Nov 13, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
"If you ever need to read a book outside of the game to understand a major quest or plot in the game that is World of Warcraft, then that would mean that we would have caused significant narrative disruption."

I feel like Ion forgot that they're still doing this lol Like, this issue has gotten *worse*, not better. Cairne dying in the Shattering and only there sucked, but he isn't a super major character unfortunately.

Literally the core plot of BfA is not in game at all. No way to see the saurfang cinematics whatsoever.