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Growth at Prev: mentor at WOP & BASB My Bollywood pod:
Oct 3, 2020 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
How to Find the Right Coaches + Courses

Every tom, dick, and harry is starting a course or a coaching program. Welcome to the goddamn gold rush.

Some are life-changing. Others are a huge waste of your time, money, and potential.

How can you tell the difference? Thread👇 1 The Best Have Integrity

You want someone honest + blunt.

The best make you feel uncomfortable at times (because you're pushing beyond your zone of normal.)

You need to have a LOT of trust from the get-go, so you know you're pursuing the right type of uncomfortable.
Aug 23, 2020 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
3 Questions about Polymaths

From @TheAlexYao's great @whatstheii salon

1. As @harry_ramsay pointed out, you can't self describe as a polymath. You are named a polymath by others after demonstrating mastery over multiple skills usually after death.

Is polymath-ism is a curse? 2. I've felt it's a curse because polymaths can never truly be at home. They have no identity. Nobody will truly understand their multitudes.

@davidavalerio pointed out that having no identity is an identity.

Are polymaths only truly understood by other polymaths?