J. Profile picture
Economics, philosophy.
021Callum Profile picture Al-Ekram Elahee Hridoy (e/acc) Profile picture 2 subscribed
Mar 10, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
So-called free market capitalists now calling for government intervention to save their shitty bank. No one has any principles. Their public personas are nothing more than a marketing tool to further enrich themselves, in this case, at your expense. I suppose they’re just ‘doing their job’ in public, but it really makes you think ‘what else is part of their job?’ Just goes to show that public personas are always beholden to economic interests. This is why only anons can offer honest analyses in the world of ideas.
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
In my latest piece, I write about how modern Western civilization is no longer Faustian, but Saturnian.
presentwitness.com/essays/jupiter… 'Rather than trade their souls for knowledge or material wealth, the cabal of geriatric elites that rule over the West are, in effect, devouring their own children in a desperate attempt to retain control over the empire.'
Mar 8, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
In the age of modern monetary theory, inflation is rampant, and all the geriatric experts advise you not to make any investments or make any large purchases.

Years have gone by, and it's only gotten worse.

But you're eager to live your life, so what are you to do? Mortgage rates are now up to ~7.5%, up hundreds of percent from just a few years ago, while savings rates have stayed at effectively 0%, stretching new home buyers to the limit. Surely your salary has gone up to offset that increase right? Unlikely.
May 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Vaccine mandates were the first leg of a corporate/government imposed eugenics program that selects for minimizing adverse reactions to gene therapies. Gene therapies will be substituted for a number of biomedical products and procedures simply because the margins for mRNA are higher. The specific individuals that are sensitive to gene therapies will continue to be slaughtered and incapacitated by these barbaric experiments.
Apr 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The purpose of ESG is to create a framework by which the existing financial elites can indirectly implant their 'values' into corporate governance decisions. A company's ESG score will affect its ability to secure financing, raise capital, and even incentivize slash disincentivize specific investment decisions.
Apr 4, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Some advice for @elonmusk:

1. Move extremely fast. Don’t give them time to plan and react. They are still shell-shocked and won’t be thinking clearly. 2. Put pressure on not only leadership, but lower-level employees as well. Woke companies are more autonomous than most might initially think. Their employees are there because they already ‘know what to do’. Get as many of ‘those who will be a problem’ to quit as possible.
Dec 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
This is the single biggest lie of our time. Our institutions are actively purging the most talented, passionate, and effective employees for failure to bend the knee to a tyrannical Regime, and you want to bring in 100 million ‘more talented immigrants’?
Dec 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Ok, so here’s roughly what’s going on…

The plan is to eventually phase out the dollar (just like has already been done with gold) and replace it with a carbon based social credit system that will be used to discourage ownership and manage rental access. They are phasing out the dollar by printing fiat. Printing fiat serves a dual-purpose: 1. Devalue the dollar. 2. To give corporations near-unlimited investment capital to build the technical infrastructure for the new new carbon-based system that will be used to mediate society.
Nov 10, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
It's basically over for the dollar. Purchasing power will continue to erode as they print trillions and trillions of dollars to finance a global takeover on the basis of 'climate change' and 'social justice'. Trillions of dollars will be printed every single year in an exponential trajectory to satisfy the embedded growth obligation required to support pensioners, 401k's, and the expanding lower class.
Nov 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The way to solve the food supply problem is not through top down, centrally planned infrastructure but rather through grants and incentives for local farmers to supply local markets. If anyone has an existing 'city' project, would be happy to work w them. Contact info on website. A DAO that provides various prospective farmers grants to build the infra for food supply. Future grants contingent upon success of production. Best practices learned over time. Crypto Homestead Act
Aug 2, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
The most important framing that you need to have right now is that we are living through the consequences of what happens when corporations and international influence groups supplant national governments. This takeover was primarily accomplished though lobbying and through the establishment of a revolving door between corporations and governments. You cannot look at Google, Raytheon, or Tesla as separate entities from the US Government.
Jul 31, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
'Vaccine doesn't work' headlines are pharmaceutical company advertising to prime you for the booster that will come out in a few months. They will still continue to blame the unvaccinated for the mutations despite this being a blatant lie and inversion of the truth. Fundamentally, this is what makes vaccines and mRNA therapeutics so lucrative. If one treatment worked effectively, it wouldn't be a recurring revenue stream. It's not supposed to work long-term. The intention is to continue to convince you that you need the next treatment.
Jul 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The people who believe whole-heartedly in ‘science’ and ‘progress’ usually have no understanding of negative externalities whatsoever. They genuinely believe that ‘science’ and ‘progress’ are improvements to nature. Very naive. No such thing as progress, only trade offs. 99.9% of people who talk about ‘science’ and ‘progress’ just don’t understand or appreciate the complexity of biological life, and our interconnected relationship with nature as a whole. They have a very ‘narrow’ understanding of reality, driven primarily by isolated data points.
Jun 10, 2021 20 tweets 3 min read
Cultural Pluralism

Cultural Pluralism describes the idealist notion that an organically-developing plurality of cultures allows for the richest and most resilient human societies to develop. Put simply, it is the basis for the 100,000 city-states arrangement. This idea is based in Herder's concept of 'the family writ large', where shared language and genealogy are the life-blood of the nation. 'Owned space' should be added here, as the physical environment plays a crucial role in determining local culture.
Mar 7, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Multidimensional Phenomenology

Reject the reductive materialist frame and recognize that there is a bridge between seemingly disparate objects and phenomena, between will and reality, between dreams and experience. You are being taught to think and process reality on a one-dimensional interpretative plane. The simplification of reality into a consumer-minded framework is pure social engineering that is meant to deny you access to transcendent realization.
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Delusions of Grandeur

How you see the world is irrelevant to the actions that other people take. Unless you have a thought-out and sound philosophical basis, your political opinions are just post hoc rationalizations of what you’re told other people did, and why they did it. Public relations, marketing, and social engineering exist to disguise and obscure the seizure and application of power. Power naturally centralizes until it inevitably collapses under its own weight. There is but minor agency in the game theory tree at the institutional level.
Jan 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Every political ‘event’ there is an outpouring of creativity and clear-minded thought. This thread will be dedicated to recognizing the truly great work produced.
Nov 28, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Why Centrism Fails

There is no virtue in centrism. It is one’s obligation, not only to himself, but to his community, to hold and defend positions that he strongly believes in. This is everyone’s obligation, and from it, a ‘center’ naturally emerges. What stabilizes the political spectrum is the tension between beliefs, not the median position itself. If one cedes his true position to appease the opposition or to optimize for an outcome or process, he reduces the force required to pull the spectrum against him.
Nov 23, 2020 8 tweets 1 min read
Inverted Signals

In the inverted world, markets crash upwards. People have more sex and less children. They go to school longer and learn less. Police protect the criminals, etc. But why does this phenomena exist? Institutions become inverted because they naturally demand to be local, but are turned inside out by the incentive structure of the global market.
Nov 2, 2020 8 tweets 1 min read
In the inverted world, the stock market crashes upwards. In the inverted world, people have more sexual partners, and less children.
Nov 1, 2020 46 tweets 3 min read
Based-economics (thread) Globalism is the result of a collaborative corporate strategy to reduce international trade barriers and corporate taxes.