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Mar 10 12 tweets 4 min read
Fasting can expand your lifespan.

But if you do it wrong, it leads to hormonal imbalance, insomnia, and metabolism problems.

Here’s everything you need to know (& how to avoid the toxic effects)

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For those who don’t know, let’s start with what fasting is:

Eating only at set times and avoiding food the rest of the day.

Before we get into how to do it, here are its top 3 benefits.
Mar 9 17 tweets 5 min read
Ginger is the Number 1 metabolism booster and Antioxidant.

Consuming it daily can reduce:

-Cancer risk.
-Support the immune system. -Improve digestion.
- Boost testosterone.
-And so many more.

Here’s how to consume it properly to avoid side effects.

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It’s the No.1 natural substance for curing inflammation.

It improves blood circulation, leading to:

-Better focus
-More energy
-Enhanced brain function

But what’s the best way to consume it?
Mar 7 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes Dr, Wearing tight pants can affect your sex drive.

Let's look at some natural foods that Increases the sexual drive.

1. Coconut – Enhances testosterone levels and boosts energy.

2. Honey – Improves stamina and supports increases libido.

3. Dates – Boosts libido and improves make you stay longer.

4. Ginger– Enhances circulation, supporting better blood flow.

5. Garlic – Improves blood circulation and boosts testosterone.

Check Thread 👇Image 6. Banana – Rich in potassium, helps with endurance.

7. Tiger Nut – Enhances libido and supports sperm quality.

8. Almonds– Rich in zinc, boosts hormone levels.

9. Hazelnuts – Supports healthy testosterone and improves fertility.

10. Coconut water - make you stay longer in the game without issue.
Mar 7 15 tweets 4 min read
Dear men,

Did you wake up and see your morning erection? Here are the vitamins that men with weak erections should take.

Check thread👇 Image 1. Vitamin B3 ( Niacin)

Helps men with weak erection by;
- Improving blood flow
- Reducing inflammation
- Supporting testosterone levels.
-Good For people with arthritis
Mar 6 9 tweets 4 min read
Strawberry is the most underrated fruit !

The benefits?

- It boost testosterone levels.
- Treat erectile dysfunction( "Weak erection")
- Lowers cancer risk.
- Reduce inflammation, etc.

Here’s everything you need to know about strawberry and how to consume it properly.

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Strawberries are a delicious and nutritious fruit that offer a variety of health benefits. Here are some key advantages of eating strawberries.

1. Rich in Nutrients: Strawberries are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C (an antioxidant that boosts immunity and skin health), manganese (important for metabolism and bone health), folate (crucial for cell function and tissue growth), and potassium (supports heart health).
Mar 6 8 tweets 4 min read
-Frame 1= Dried dates.
-Frame 2= Fresh dates.

And both of them has different health benefits !!

Okay let's look at difference between the dried and fresh dates.

Check Thread 👇 First of all, we're in the season of Ramanda and these are how you're advice to eat dates.
Mar 5 15 tweets 5 min read

Cloves are tiny, but they are packed with powerful health benefits. Cloves are known for their rich flavors and aroma.

These little buds are a must-have for anyone looking to boost their well-being.

Check Thread 👇 Image 1. Rich in Nutrients

Cloves are a great source of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, and fiber. These nutrients support bone health, blood clotting, and overall immunity.

2. Powerful Antioxidant

Cloves contain eugenol, a compound with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants fight free radicals, protecting your body from oxidative stress, which can lead to chronic diseases.

3. Improves Digestion

Cloves stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, reducing bloating and promoting better digestion. Chewing a clove after a meal can also combat bad breath!

4. Anti-inflammatory Properties

The eugenol in cloves has anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce pain and swelling, especially in conditions like arthritis.
Mar 5 15 tweets 5 min read
Garlic is the most underrated superfood.

The benefits? It boosts testosterone, strengthens the immune system, and lowers cancer risk.

Here’s everything you need to know about garlic and how to consume it properly.

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Garlic’s benefits come mainly from sulfur compounds formed when you chop, crush, or chew a garlic clove.

With very few calories (111 kcal), it’s packed with nutrients:

-Vitamin B6
-Vitamin C

When consumed properly, its potential can be life-changing…Image
Mar 4 12 tweets 4 min read
Top foods to eat that will help boost your immune system !

1. Ginger

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It’s the No.1 natural substance for curing inflammation.

It improves blood circulation, leading to:

- Better focus
- More energy
- Enhanced brain function
-Boost immune
Mar 3 6 tweets 2 min read

It gets rid of bad cells formed in the body or inhibits their growth!

Take it for 3 months, health is instantly restored. It's like a miracle.
You need one beetroot, two carrots and one apple..

Check Thread 👇 Image Wash, peel the skin, cut into pieces and put in a juicer and drink the juice immediately.

You can add lime or lemon for a more refreshing taste.
This miracle drink is effective for the following diseases:
Mar 3 13 tweets 4 min read
Dear men,

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers that affects men mostly above 45 years.
prostate cancer rarely produces obvious symptoms in its early stages.

These are some natural foods that helps to improve prostate health.

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1. Onions juice

1- Take 8 large onions or a dozen if they are medium in size.

2- Remove the peels (dry skin of the onions) then clean properly.

3- Cut them roughly then blend them. Avoid adding water.

4- Collect the pure onion juice using a scarf or a clean cloth.

5-Drink a 33cl glass of this juice.

6-Repeat the operation three weeks later, then a third time after another three weeks. That's all. You have just rid your prostate of all kinds of toxins.The gland regains its youthful state. Repeat this series of operations every 10 years.
Mar 3 6 tweets 3 min read
Dear Parents,

Y'all needs to know about this basic gesture that will save your child's life in case of suffocation!

Check Thread 👇 Image There are 2 cases if a baby suffocates:

1. The baby is no longer breathing but is aware.

"If a child suffocates, in the first place, he will be able to do it."
- You have to put his head down along your thigh and take it with your arm.
Mar 2 5 tweets 2 min read
Benefit of drinking Pomegranate juice

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1. Boost Testosterone.
Mar 2 19 tweets 6 min read
Cancer can affect anyone !!

In our body we have about 30 trillion cells and each of these cells has a life span. Sometimes, some of these cells decide to take a shortcut that they aren't ready to d!e and once they go through that shortcut they keep multiplying. If they occur in one place, It then become a tumor.

So here are action you can take to prevent these cancer !

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1. Stress.

Similar to how high body fat affects our bodies…

Stress does as well:

-Increased inflammation
-Impairs immune function
-Changes hormone levels

All of these things increase our risk of cancer.
Mar 1 16 tweets 5 min read
Coconut oil isn’t just for the kitchen.

-Boosts testosterone
-Ignites metabolism
-Crushes inflammation

And that’s just the beginning.

Here're 7 powerful reasons every man should use coconut oil.

Check Thread 👇 Image 1. Testosterone optimization.

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which are essential for testosterone production.

Low fat diets wreck your hormones.

Coconut oil provides the building blocks your body needs to keep testosterone high.
Feb 28 5 tweets 2 min read

CHECK THREAD 👇 Image ✔️ Dates strengthen the heart, liver and kidneys;
✔️ They maintain the body's acid balance;
✔️ Nourish the blood, useful for anemia and hypertension;
✔️ Boost immunity;
✔️ Help maintain healthy microflora in the intestines;
Feb 28 4 tweets 4 min read
Dear men,


Years ago, I was called to see a patient. Without delay I rushed down the stairs and headed to the hospital wards.
The man was sitting in the back seat of a car that brought him. I watched him closely but there was no respiratory efforts, I went for the pulse, not palpable, no cardiac activity, pupils were dilated, fixed and unreactive to light. I watched foam rush through the mouth and nostrils. Obviously he is dead. Still panting from the unplanned exercise I did, I felt bad I couldn't do anything for him. Out of curiosity, I wanted to know how he got to that point. The wife, a young lady in her late 30s told me they were playing when suddenly he became distressed, struggling for air and she tried to calm him all to no avail then she raised alarm for help. I quickly asked if her husband was hypertensive and she admitted. I requested for his drugs, luckily they came with his drugs. I went through the drugs, and was able to identify some and it included: digoxin, Viagra, lisinopril.
In my little mind I concluded the young man in his late 40s "DIED IN ACTIVE SERVICE TO THE WIFE" from heart attack. My assumption may be right or wrong, but seeing those 2 drugs, I won't be blamed for my assumption. He may Rest in peace to the dead.

Have you imagined why men die more? Have you ever noticed that there are more widows than widowers? Just check in your little village, then extend it to your community and you will be surprised what you find. I just want to pick one of the reasons I feel contributes to this. I will appeal that this is solely my opinion, it may be wrong or right.

Every responsible man wants to satisfy his family and wife in terms of providing for their basic needs and also satisfying his wife in bed. But doing this at the expense of the man's life is what I want to condemn.

Continue 👇 It is a common experience this days that women openly talk about how bad their spouses are in bed, and most times the woman makes life difficult for the man by throwing abusive words at him.
It is also common to see a lot of products being openly advertised and marketed for enhancement of males sexual performance.

A lot of women are responsible for their husband's death because of their excessive demands for sexual satisfaction, and in the bid to satisfy the woman the man take drugs that endanger his health, and their lives are cut short.

If I may ask, Is sexual satisfaction the basis of relationships or marriage?Some times some women even asks for bigger penis and my fellow man will be taking the risk to drink all sorts of drugs just to enlarge his penis to satisfy the woman.
Feb 27 16 tweets 5 min read
Ginger is the No. 1 metabolism booster.

Consuming it daily can reduce cancer risk, support the immune system, and improve digestion.

Here’s how to consume it properly to avoid side effects.

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Here are its top 5 benefits:

• Reduces inflammation
• Balances blood sugar levels
• Supports the immune system
• May help prevent cancer
• Aids in weight loss
Feb 25 19 tweets 7 min read
Dear men,

Did you see your morning erection? As a man your testosterone needs to be awake every 5am in the morning.. Your testosterone is what keeps you alive.

In men over 50 years, your testosterone levels will dropped by 30-50 percentage.

So here is the proven fruits and exercise that can help boost your testosterone levels naturally.

1. Ginger

Check Thread👇Image 1. Garlic

Garlic is used to boost stamina. Consuming garlic extract can help stop the formation of new fatty deposits, called plaque, inside arterial walls, thereby increasing the quality of your erections.

Here the benefits from Barbara O' Neill in this video.
Feb 24 6 tweets 2 min read
Drinking A Cup Of Onion, Garlic and Ginger Will Cure The Following Diseases When Taking Daily.

Check Thread👇 Image 1. Powerful Antioxidant Properties: These help protect the body from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart and cancer diseases.

2. Nutrient-Rich Superfood : Theses are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamin A, C and E minerals like calcium, potassium and protein.
Feb 24 17 tweets 6 min read
Don't have time to eat healthily?

Here are 18 meals you can cook in 15 minutes or less, to be healthier..

Check Thread 👇 Image BREAKFAST

1) Eggs with Avocado & Vegetables
→ 1/2 avocado
→ Slice of tomato
→ Sea salt and pepper
→ 3-5 pasture-raised eggs
→ Cook in grass-fed ghee or tallow
→ Large serving of dark, leafy greens

Cook the eggs and greens in separate pans. ~8min total. Image