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Feb 26 4 tweets 1 min read

We've forgotten that China's rise as an economic superpower was fueled solely by Chinese peoples' savings.

In the 90s, @matigary, Western media was full of handwringing articles about how the Chinese were saving too much, based dated theory that consumer spending fuels,... 2/4

...economic growth.

They failed to understand that for ANY country coming out of poverty, as China was during Deng's era, savings are the ONLY thing that drives real economic growth.

Consumer Savings are what such a country uses for infrastructure development AND....,
Jan 3 20 tweets 5 min read

B4 diving into why Zimbabwean Paul Le Roux is Satoshi, #Bitcoin creator, hear what the judge said at his sentencing, which explains why NOONE wants him to be proven as Satoshi Nakamoto👇

At the end of this thread is a recording of Paul speaking in court about #Bitcoin. 2/20

Evidence pointing to Zimbabwean Paul Le Roux as Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of #Bitcoin?:

1st: E4M (Encryption for the masses), encryption software that, to this day, no one, not even NSA/CIA have managed to crack..
Nov 15, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read

Grand theft is currently underway @ Zim banks, targeting Debit Card holders (@Visa /@Mastercard ).

Just had a client who had a few thousand US$$ on their card who's had a couple of hundred $$ taken this week by her bank labeled : IMMT installment.

Here's the kicker... 2/8

She has already had US$1.7k taken out last year without notice & in monthly IMMT installments of ~US$250, @MthuliNcube01.

It stopped early this year but she'd by then decided to stop using the card becoz NOBODY at the bank or @ReserveBankZIM are (to this day) able...
Oct 1, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read

For the 1st time ever, today, as I collected US$9500 an hour ago, which I bought this morning @ a rate of US$1: ZiG33, I was told directly by a senior black market player that the so-called black market rate is provided every morning by @ReserveBankZIM

He did say.... 2/5

...."we don't know if its on behalf of RBZ or not." He says his provider tells him gvt never has enough US$ to meet obligations & is the largest buyer of forex on the black market.

So, when gvt prints more local currency, they set the rate on...
Jul 27, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read

This is Alexio Nyakudya (@Jena98993775), a corrupt @CCCZimbabwe Harare City Councillor who collected ~US$1 million from Hunter Bar in Mabvuku, a Council beerhall that he grabbed.

After grabbing the beerhall, he turned it into a market charging tenants... Image 2/9

...for each stall over the last 4 years.

He was re-elected in the August elections last year under @nelsonchamisa's banner.

The Town Clerk (the CEO of the Council), who has been arrested over the Mike Chimombe streetlights tender corruption, was complicit since....
Jul 23, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read

As the 1st person in 2018 to tell you on these streets to look to the AGs report to follow corruption, @mavhure @mimmitwit, @matigary, I thought I'd let the pitiable attempts at political point-scoring die down 1st & then discuss HOW the AGs report should be audited.. 2/11

...actionably by those citizens truly interested in fighting corruption (as opposed to just wanting to score cheap political points while wishing for a chance to also participate in & benefit from the corruption)
Jul 19, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read

I bought ZWG (ZiG) today at a rate of US$1 to 22ZWG.

The usual suspects tell me the black market premium's is targeting 100% by 5 Aug 2024.

This is especially dangerous becoz banks, confirmed, are running short of US$. If everyone with a US$ account tried to withdraw.. 2/6

....just 20% of their $$ from Zim banks in the next week or 2, the system would completely collapse. Just 20% (@ReserveBankZIM allows banks to hold only 10% of your demand deposits & use the rest however they want).

Insider & political loans currently make up...
Jul 9, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read

Zimbos have NO IDEA just how hard it was to actually arrest these guys & send them to remand. BECOZ of @ZANUPF_Official.

Buckle up, let me explain to you the how & the WHY.

These corrupt "tenderpreneurs" have the following modus operandi: 2/20

They approach & corrupt people in @ZANUPF_Official & ask for introductions to senior members, especially Politburo guys.

They then corrupt these Politburo guys with gifts, cash etc, slowly, mostly using the pretext that they support the party & want to help.
Apr 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read

Sanctions have nothing to do with Zim being cut off from the international banking ecosystem.

The real reason is: tail-end of dollarisation, Zim banks were not remitting payments customers made to banks outside because all they had were fake, digital US$s they &.. 2/7

...@ReserveBankZIM had "printed", after they stole & externalised all the real US$ banknotes that you & I had deposited.

Here on X, there're people who experienced paying for tuition or supplies outside Zim & waiting for SIX months with the recipient's bank saying...
Apr 14, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read

@edmnangagwa @MthuliNcube01 @GGuvamatanga: a NYC Asset manager whose Co's got ~US$750bn AUM (not in the top 10 AMs, but still) & who has a US$350m "sandbox fund" & other Developing Markets investors in NYC are incredibly bullish on Zim.

BUT.. 2/16

...they're hesitating & the following, I believe, is VERY sound advice & suggestions:

a) "Remove the US$ component in reserves that inform money printing & solely match supply to reserve gold. (Also, there's no transparency right now on how much ZiG exactly is in...
Feb 21, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read

So, people still don't understand the "Tshabangu Strategy" that went horribly wrong & took on a life of its own?

Ok. Here goes:

The simple idea was get an "unknown" to "seize" structural power by sending recall letters to @ParliamentZim/@ZECzim 2/13

Naturally, the expectation was @nelsonchamisa would then contest this in court. In doing so, he'd have to answer the question, if Tshabangu isn't your SG, who is? How? "Cornered" like this, NC would have to refer back to the Alliance structure since no other...
Feb 15, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read

Again, for those confused, here's how @nelsonchamisa Independent Candidature is gonna work:

@CCCZimbabwe/ Blue Mvmt or @mdc263 (or, theoratically, even @ZANUPF_Official) decide whether they endorse him as their Pres. candidate or not.

The party or parties that endorse.. 2/11

...him sort out amongst themselves who their Parly candidate for each constituency is, using whatever method they agree on.
In opposition strongholds, GUARANTEED, the candidate of the part(ies) that have endorsed @nelsonchamisa will win the seats...
Feb 15, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read

@edmnangagwa, @MthuliNcube01, @GGuvamatanga: the culture of secretiveness that gvt (incl. @ReserveBankZIM ) is so fond of is the reason why every measure you come up WILL fail.
For any measure to be successful, you only need to focus on 1 thing and 1 thing ONLY 👇 2/10

Focus on the trust deficit that I've spoken about for yrs & which Min. Mthuli has publicly acknowledged as a pillar of our problems.

Here's what's needed:

1. Codify extreme transparency from RBZ & Treasury & schedule transparent reports to be issued every ¼ or month..
Feb 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read

Remember when no-one believed this 👇, what remains the most accurate explanation of CCC goings-on?

Here's another, the most accurate explanation you'll get re: current state of play in the opposition:

@nelsonchamisa ISN'T forming a new party or... 2/6

...movement b4 the 2028 elections. Any1 telling u otherwise knows nothing.

What you'll get is a @EmmanuelMacron move, which proved so spectacularly successful for the French Prez.

Meaning: NC will go the polls as an Independent Pres. Candidate (he basically...
Oct 24, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read

This is the most accurate explanation you're gonna get about the goings-on in @CCCZimbabwe. It's good that none of the sheeple will read it, so you won't have to trawl thru ignorant or sycophantic comments
When @DMwonzora seized @OurMDCT from @nelsonchamisa after 2018.... 2/13

....@nelsonchamisa, @BitiTendai @Welshman_Ncube fell back on the @MDCAllianceZW.

@DMwonzora then argued that MDCT was the leader/convener on the Alliance & therefore owned it. Written agreements backed this up & this is what gave Mwonzora the legal authority to recall...
Jun 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

Remember my tweet from last year 👇.

It has started.

Today, we had several Co.'s seeking to liquidate their Nostro (US$) on the black market @ a 15% discount. Several banks are helping with this, @GGuvamatanga.

Here's how it's working:


Co. A pays @matigary's US$1m invoice from their Nostro US$ acc. He, in turn, hands that Co. (A) US$850k cash.

Basically, the US$ in so-called Nostro accnts started losing value today. People & Co.'s are cutting their loses, liquidating those Nostro, fake US$s for 15%...
May 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

Last yr, I warned here on Twitter about the rate meltdown in 2023 Q2 & pointed specifically to this as this trigger.
These measures are rather late becoz already, we've seen US$ price increases triggered by the US$ created by banks through indiscriminate lending.

Next? Image 2/5

Elements @ReserveBankZIM aware that Zim banking system rn only has 36% of the US$ "deposits" available.

At currents rates of of activity, Zim banks will completely run out of US$ for u to withdraw by 2nd week of September 2023.

Measures like allowing retailers to retain...
Mar 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

Aulion Global Trading, Dubai, buys semi-refined gold bars only from Rappa Resources, South Africa.

When the SA Competition Tribunal cleared Aulion to buy Rappa gold refinery in 2019, the names of the ultimate "beneficiary owners" were blacked out from the documents... 2/8

...but the Tribunal did note that Aulion "forms part of the Rappa Management group of companies".
On paper, both are owned by Howie Baker, a former Zim polocrosse champion & Rudland's mate.
Rappa's ONLY director is Raees Saint👇, Rudland's lawyer. Raees is also..
Mar 29, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Hamish, in my thread, I made it clear that Bitumen is by far the most competent & professional of the government infrastructure contractors.
That you & your brother have made millions from cigarette smuggling is on record & you haven't sued (let alone won against)... 2/9
...anyone who's charged this. Centrally, the issue is the Bitumen transaction was made using the proceeds from this activity in order to find another avenue to use to send funds out of the country, since Bitumen have to buy raw materials, equipment etc from abroad.
Mar 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@ZANUPF_Official needs to stop this counterproductive nonsense.
The @AJIunit docu ISN'T propaganda or a political hit piece.
It simply exposed the following:
Money from illegal activities is being brought into Zim to buy Zim gold as a way to "legitimately" inject that.. into the global finance system, avoiding being flagged & seized.
This is the CLAIM from those interviewed.
Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read

100% correct & very sensible comment, that's why I've followed you!

@ZANUPF_Official is @ centre of corruption in Zim rn becoz it has power & access. Opposition will be at the centre of corruption when they're gvt becoz they'll have power & access.

In both cases, 2/5

...we can only fight corruption when we realise that corruption won't disappear even if God vaporises ZANU PF today because the problem is Zimbos, who are corrupt.

We should rejoice when a President (whether @edmnangagwa or @nelsonchamisa or @DrivenChapman ) says they...