Priya Satia Profile picture
Raymond A. Spruance Prof. of International and History and Prof. of History, Stanford
Jun 8 20 tweets 7 min read
Thread 1/n: My kids and I were horrified at our recent visit to New York City’s American Museum of Natural History @AMNH . It was mindboggling, after the carefully curated exhibitions at the New-York Historical Society down the street. Is this a museum or a time-capsule? Why are 2/n thousands of people visiting as if it’s a serious place? This thread is to raise awareness of this embarrassing museum in one of the most important US cities, urge visitors to avoid this tourist trap, & insist that the museum make outrageously overdue curatorial updates.
Dec 11, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Universities have not suddenly become politicized, whatever wokephobics claim.

Universities have never been neutral.

Knowledge has never been neutral.

Anyone who claims they once were or ever can be is speaking from ignorance, stupidity, dishonesty, or some mix of these.

Many have written on this--most iconically Edward Said, "Orientalism."

Here are a few things I've written over the years (besides my book "Time's Monster") on the shifting moral & political commitments of universities & the knowledge they produce:

Apr 15, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
BRIDGERTON #2, 1/n: Haven't felt the need to comment as I've been learning from those with greater expertise on media/literary representation, & because historical fiction doesn’t have to be historically accurate. BUT, a few conversations w/ journalists writing about the show made it clear that even some historians may be mistakenly overstating the accuracy of this fictional work—so I wanted to offer some grounding:
First, Inclusive casting works best when it’s clear we’re in a mythical or fictional world. "Hamilton" was a 2/
Mar 21, 2021 25 tweets 6 min read
Power & Publishing, a THREAD 1/n: Warm thanks to those who have helped share this essay. Its appearance marks the end of a 4.5 month struggle, which I share here, though perhaps risky—but we’re at a point where this is what needs to be said (conscious of… writing this after a mass shooting of Asian women in the US & as British journalists & editors protest the Society of Editors’ denial of racism in British media).

I wrote the essay early Nov. & pitched it to UK outlets. After almost 2 months, a prominent Leftist magazine 2/n