How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App other words, it's not a "stop manufacture". Say a company makes paracetamol tablet which has only 70% active ingredient, they lose license to make it for few days. It is only when product is adulterated/spurious/kills people, that regulators seek stronger punishments (2) DEG toxic? Yes. Has it been conclusively linked to deaths before? Yes. Did cough syrup have large amounts of DEG? Yes. But there's no "exact one-to-one causal relation". This is the argument the HP regulator used to not file a chargesheet in Digital Vision case for >2 years. a bunch of bull this guy speaks. It would have taken him and his team literally one day to tackle the Bhopal protocol violations, when the media made them aware of it. It was one day's work. Instead, they slept through the damn thing. Now he is thanking volunteers.