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Strategic PullBack Trader 🐿 Not a Fraud Neither a Saint ♻️ No Paid Service at Present🌹 Did Not Even See SEBI 😉 Queries: #Ask_ProdigalTrader ⏳
apvkarthick Profile picture deepak gakhar Profile picture sandip sinha Profile picture praneeth❄️(Modiji's family) Profile picture Ganesh Suthar Profile picture 31 subscribed
Aug 31, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Thread 1
Pullback Trading - The reality

Pullback trading - trading an instrument when there is a weakness in the major Trend. For example suppose a stock is going up since last more than 80 days & is trading close to multi year highs it can be considered to b in upTrend.

1/18 As an additional confirmation one can make sure that moving average are perfectly aligned according to their length; 20>50>100>200. These two conditions filter all the stocks which are in bullish trends in medium term. This is where one stock qualifies for pullback trading.

Jun 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
How do I go about with pullback trading ?

Detailed thread of the whole process

Step 1: Check the Higher TF which is monthly. Purpose behind this step is to make sure that the scrip is highly bullish in this TF.

Consider #aptecht

1/7 Image The scrip has given an almighty breakout into new ATH last month and this month its being pulled back substantially. Here first criteria of strong bullish trend in HTF is satisfied with a fresh ATH breakout.

Step 2: Chk weekly TF to assess the details of breakout

2/7 Image
Oct 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
What exactly is Trading Psychology?

Its simply an approach by means of which a trader is able to make most logical decisions and act precisely upon it. There is nothing else to it

How to build it?
It varies from one trader to another. I will exemplify one of my friend here

He had severe issues with cutting his loss. He will just keep holding it hoping for a reversal to wipe off his loss. He never take SL.
But he found a seemingly stupid but practically wonderful solution to it.
Instead of SL hit , he started thinking "Sunny Leon hit"

Sep 17, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Most traders conceive that strongest chart patterns are the ones which are most visually convincing. They are pushed to think those patterns offer high probability trades.
But the truth is patterns are just consolidations where trend continuation demands accumulation

and reversal demands distribution (uptrend case). This criteria has nothing to do with how the pattern looks to ur eyes. Trend continuation patterns starts with profit booking where price might dip with comparably big red bars which fizzles out faster.

Mar 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Mechanism behind stock price movement

Look at the table below. Its bid/ask table for an imaginary stock
CMP is 149.90
Highest bid is at 150 and lowest ask is at 150.
So the next trade will happen at 150 increasing the price.

1/6 But buy orders for 2500 quantity are there at 150 while there is only 200 quantity to sell.
What will happen now?
There are 2300 pending buy order at 150 with all the asks at 150 os exhausted. They will have to buy at next best ask level which is 151.

Mar 19, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
When a conceptual content is posted in Twitter, how would u treat It?

Absolutely all the info can b tweeted as one liner punch dialogue. But some topics, some handles, sometimes posted as fairly lengthy threads.
Where does it differ??
What does it offer??

1/11 Suppose I post a lengthy thread in 10 tweets, what I attempt is to provide a primer on the subject. Putting it more simply, its like a 7min Highlights of a 7hr ODI match.
Similarly a thread gives u a very good idea about a topic so that u get a fair understanding on it

Mar 5, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
How to desogn a trading system???

Ur trading system should contain 2 parts
1. Define context
2. Entry exit set up and rules

Let's see them in detail

1/16 When u define the context u are essentially removing all the trades which are against the trend.
Suppose u objectively found trend is Bullish with any tools of ur choice. Then all the shorting signals ur entry exit method generates can be avoided

Feb 27, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
How to recognise the strong sector?

Widely practised method is that to check the relative strength against the market. Here is the performance of each sector since nifty started falling. We can fairly accurately conclude that, we must look at PSUBANKS, METALS, AUTO

1/11 But how about the sectors such as healthcare, sugar, chemicals etc. These have no respective sector charts. How do u assess the strength in these.

Answer is to check the relative performance. Here is an example chart of health care stocks in NSE500 universe.

Feb 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
A wide miscoception is that DISCRETIONAY TRADING is "Buy anything that moves" just like an army command "Shoot anything that moves"

But good disc. traders have objective trading rules for entry/exit/PS/RM. They apply discretion only on whether to take trade or not

🔁🔁🔁 Such discretion can come from anything. There are traders who weighs market breadth along with own trading signals. If AD ratio is Positive, going long, especially in LTF is a suicidal attempt.

Nov 9, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Do u make/have "view" on all stocks u see???
Read this 👇👇

When I was new into the market, i was fortunate to be guided by good senior traders. They used to answer my doubts, share their views with me and tell me how did they come to certain trend via a after analysis.

1/11 This reduced my learning curve a big way. I did not had to wander around aimlessly for too much of my initial times.

But this interaction had a worse effect too. Majority of those who were around me had a view on all the stocks.

Oct 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Ever Bullish Trend & EverBullish Stocks - What are they and How to identify them?

There are some stocks which are in "Ever Bullish Trend" irrespective of any market sentiments, be it negative or positive.

For equity traders who are looking to gain some 30-50% of move in medium term such as 4-12 months, these stocks are the best to invest their cash

What are EverBullish stocks?
How to identify them?
Are there any objective characteristics in them?

Oct 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Many of u know candlestick patterns, RSI and other indicators. moving averages, Bollinger Bands etc.
Many of u know charting and exact trend analysis

But so many of u struggle in market to be profitable consistently.
Is this lack of knowledge? No definitely not.

But then how would u connect a good analysis with profitable trading ???

If u can find answer to this question,
then u can start ur journey as a profitable trader and take it up as a serious career

Oct 7, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
I will describe a small personal story with analysis and trading on IRCTC

Here is the IRCTC chart with few numbers are marked in it. I will walk u through the analytical and psychological aspects behind it, point by point.

1/13 1

Strong uptrend
Pattern is under formation
Let me wait for the completion of the pattern
i will go long here

Oct 5, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread of Short term bullih scrips which are making smooth roundish consolidation with bullish bias

#asahiindia Image #bse Image
Jun 2, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Successful bullish reversal after Retesting the recent breakout is the least risky method to go long in strong trending scrips.


1/5 Real challenge is finding the right scrips. Whiel making breakouts, stocks will be there in all sorts of news and websites while those on retest where its available far cheaper, will go unnoticed

Here is a list & charts


May 31, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Stocks which gave successful retest today after a strong breakout.

nocil shavamauto
May 29, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Live Case Studies discussed in ConfluencE Channel in last three weeks alone and their Follow ups


1/5 LTI

May 28, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Excellent retesting candidates after strong breakouts
Filtered based on Price, volume and momentum

Retests allows a retail trader to buy the stock cheapest after the trend is set.
one of the most powerful set up in classical technical analysis

1/5 ImageImageImageImage 2/ 5 ImageImageImageImage
Apr 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
In my early trading days, i used to feel tremendous pressure when i see big MTM screenshots from others. And also used to feel happiness if they posts their negative MTM screens.
It took me many months to concentrate on my trading process and avoid all the noises around

The turning poont in adressing the issue was when i identified this as a bad habit. I knew i had to overcome this if i have to progress as a trader. I disnt know where to start or what to do. But one thing i did right was i understood i lacked somewhere in my own trading.

Jan 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Suppose u r in a long trade in 5min TF,
How would u assess trend is still intact
u can scale into the trade to maximize the profitability ?

HH HL formation and pin bar with good vol at vwap or just abv previous low. ADX greater than 25

Low volumes on counter trend move and price not closing below Vwap

HH and HL formation on 5 min time frame. Volumes expanding when making HH and low volumes when in LL. Price above vwap

SuperTrend 10,2, for scale in at ST retracement

Jan 15, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Why to avoid looking for trade everyday?
Why should u avoid following those who posts plenty of delivery trade set ups daily?

If u are an equity trader who looks to hold the stock for a short time such as fee weeks to few months,
u dont need to search for stocks everyday

All u need is to filter the stocks on weekends and prepare levels
When it comes to ur level on any following day, u make an entry
Afterall how many stocks u r looking to hold in ur account?
8-12 mostly
Not more
