Rod Hayward Profile picture
U-M Prof Medicine & Public Health. Director of NCSP at IHPI Radical but Devout Empiricist/Anti-Partisan/Catholic.
Jan 11, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Brief THREAD: OK, basics civics lesson to all these ignorant/dishonest R legislators/leaders/media folk who seem to have NO understanding of the law or the U.S. Constitution.

/1 1. If you enter my place of business & you start calling for an over-throw of the U.S. govt, or shout racist stuff or yell insults at me or my employees or my staff - I will ask you to leave & have the police remove you if U refuse. /2
Jan 10, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
A Message to my friends on the Left: Plz listen to the language & tone used in this great speech. We are all angry right now, BUT even if it's just (tho I don't think it is), it is NOT productive to vilify abt ALL Trump voters. /1 Yes, the Ted Cruz's, Hawley's, McCarthy's, etc must face stern consequences, as do all those whose personal behavior/speech has been egregious. But, the majority of Trump voters are those who believed the lies. If you believed what they believed, you would be angry also. /2
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Universities have a strong responsibility to make conservative students feel more free to voice their views & be heard/respected, BUT this assault on our Universities by far Right media is insincere & belies the evidence. This is just one such example. 👇 Image Contrary to the biased presentation by far Right media, even if you take the reports of conservative students at face-value, most have positive experiences at U and report much more problem w/ their fellow students being intolerant, not their Profs. /2
Dec 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Okay, I saw another person today poking fun about why everyone is worried about a virus w/ a 99.5% survival rate. So here’s a little analogy to give some context.
How would U feel about being forced to board an airplane of 200 ppl under the following circumstances? /1 Early in the flight, 140 of you will be pulled aside & injected with a dose of a toxin. All of you get sick, but most of you just have fevers/cough/mild shortness of breath.
Sep 6, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: OK, the Bad Epi for deaths due to adverse events/iatrogenesis is even worse than the Bad Epi for deaths due to errors, but I’ve seen it discussed less. Establishing causal effects is really hard using cohort analyses, but this research = almost worthless. /1 Example: If each day I have a med student randomly choose 5% of patients in the hospital & have them draw a tiny dot w/ a sharpie on them, a simplistic analysis would find that receiving a tiny sharpie dot is associated with a 50% to 250% increase in costs & mortality. /2