K A Armstrong Profile picture
Professor of European law and Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge
Mar 2, 2022 15 tweets 2 min read
On 28 Feb, the EU announced that it would offer assistance to Ukraine including military equipment and platforms designed to deliver lethal force. This thread explains the legal framework behind this action. 1/
The support offered by the EU derives from the European Peace Facility created by the Council in March 2021 (Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/509). 2/
Aug 13, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Too much of the Brexit debate focuses on tactics and not strategy.
The only important strategic question is does the U.K. want a looser free trade arrangement with EU or a closer alignment? Once you know that, the tactics need to be reverse engineered. 1/ Johnson wants a free trade deal. So he doesn’t want a backstop or a transition that might keep U.K. aligned with EU. Hence all the talk about a short and quick interim FTA as an alternative to the WA. That means he won’t accept a WA and No Deal is the tactic 2/
Aug 5, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Some important things to note as we discuss potential general election in autumn:
1. PM cannot just call a general election.
2. MPs must consent to an early election under Fixed-term Parliaments Act.
3. MPs won’t consent to an early election if it leads to a No Deal Brexit 1/ 4. If PM wants to stop MPs from preventing a No Deal Brexit PM may seek to prorogue Parliament following European Council meeting in mid-October.
5. To prevent PM proroguing MPs must vote on a motion of no confidence. If under the FTPA a two week window to form unity Govt. 2/
Aug 3, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
A short thread on how Brexit may unfold over the summer. Working backwards ...

Johnson will want a general election within 6 weeks of delivering Brexit on 31 October “come what may” 1/ If he is going to stop Parliament from determining the UK’s Brexit fate, Johnson would seek to prorogue Parliament after European Council 17/18 Oct with new sessions and Queen’s Speech on or around 5 November 2/
Mar 31, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
If MPs are going to have another go through indicative votes to set a Brexit path it would be useful if MPs actually understood the implications of different choices and what any choice actually means. A Customs Union does not deal with regulatory obstacles to trade and doesn’t offer any market access to services. There are a huge number of free trade agreements and a tiny number of customs unions.