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Sunny Singh (she/her). It's Prof. Singh to you. Author. Academic. Director @jhalakprize. My TL is personal. Deal with it.
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Mar 8 11 tweets 2 min read
Short🧵:Western states have long believed (and used) they can are above international law which is a weapon for them to use for their own aims. Their hypocrisy has been clear for decades to most in the ‘global south.’ The whole point of post WW2 world order was that international law was for any state that was deemed enemy, ie USSR and its allies along with any former colony that attempted to defy Western econonomic and political hegemony.
Mar 1 18 tweets 3 min read
🧵Zelensky being publicly berated by US president and VP (a mass media spectacle par excellence) has left western Europe stunned, shocked, and floundering. There was much ‘unprecedented’ about the spectacle but I want to talk about something that isn’t being discussed. Over the past 500 years, Western Europe built a world that it looted, occupied, ruled and shaped to its will. This reshaping the world included its settler colonies of which USA is the most imperially successful.
Feb 1 15 tweets 3 min read
A slew of ‘big’ books by non-Palestinians and non-Arabs are being published this year. Ignore them. And in some cases, straight up BDS them. #readpalestinians
🧵 Most of these ‘big’ books are by people who have said little about the genocide. Or have have deliberately/inadvertently peddled misinformation, partial truths or uncritical views. And yes these are some of the biggest names in academia and publishing so I am not naming them
Jan 5 16 tweets 3 min read
🧵I have watched Western/White/Imperial (these are overlapping categories) remain silent on Israel’s perpetration of mass sexual violence as a weapon of war since Oct 7, 2023. Many of these women are colleagues and some I even considered friends. Many have worked for years on understanding and preventing sexual violence, in some cases in combat zones. They inform and form policy at national and international levels. They lead research projects worth millions of dollars/pounds/euros. And yet….
Jan 4 18 tweets 3 min read
Very revealing that so far most of these these generated profiles I’ve seen being discussed (not interacting with any as I refuse to help train this sh*t) are of people from minoritised communities. This matters A LOT!
A 🧵 First cultural narratives are crucial for ensuring how minoritised groups are disenfranchised, oppressed and yes, even genocided. Before a single shot is fired or single cop hired, a narrative is constructed to create the need for bullets, guns,prisons, wars…
Dec 13, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Oh look! ANOTHER one. Longlisted for Baillie Gifford. Even published by the SAME publisher. But I guess if I say a word about it, the literary national treaures of UK will (again!) compare me to Taliban & Daesh? And write 100s of articles smearing me?
Short 🧵 Now before I am accused AGAIN of “policing the imagination” and “not reading the book,” yeah, I read it!

It was the year when I was setting up a book prize and ALL of UK publishing could not scrape together 100 books across all genres by writers of colour for submission
Nov 30, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
🧵Western governments have long been expert in propaganda photos which are effective AND cost efficient thanks to active collusion of Western press. One of my fav examples is Liberation of Paris 1944. SO many photos and press reports and very few tell the truth We have all seen pics like this: white soldiers marching the streets of Paris; white leaders of the Allies waving at crowds; white soldiers kissing women and babies and being mobbed by joyful Parisians. And few of us know that this spectacle was staged. Black and white image of rows of white soldiers marching through streets of Paris. On the sides, citizens stand and watch. In the distance, the Arc de Triomphe
Nov 5, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
A short 🧵for this US election day. For the first time in my life I fully recognise that its results are irrelevant. They are nothing more than another PR exercise intended to obscure the Empire’s brutality and distract from the real work of liberation.
As a Hindu upper caste woman who grew up in India, I benefit from being part of the structurally privileged majority. Thise means my instinctive & ingrained politics are small c conservative. Twitter community has taught me to push past instinct & upbringing 2/n
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Much to critique about Starmer’s stance on trans rights but 2 points:
1. Human rights are not beans to be counted and ‘balanced.’ Either we ALL have human riggts. Or none of us do.

2. Changes for equality have ALWAYS been against “public will” (a euphemism for elite bs) Image How does he plan to assess this ‘public will’? By another Brexit like referendum? Or by the hateful shreiks of a moribund press? Or by the numbers who turn out at protests?

Or by principles, ethics, basic morality? Changes for equality have ALWAYS been guided by the last!
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A decision delivered on the day marking the martyr of the independence movement (specifically Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru who were executed in prison in 1931). Almost as if nobody thought this one through…. Almost as if BJP want to build RG as the face of the opposition in the country.
Mar 21, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
More than slight tbh. This was a really odd one. Homophobia of various (older, female) characters was a running and not very funny gag. Yet it also centred a homosocial relationship the way Bolllywood often has. #ABollywoodStateofMind I re-watched the film while working on my book & found the depiction of Kantaben’s homophobia disturbing and fascinating. It’s articulated via the older, female, Gujarati house help which adds a whole range of intersections of gender, class, ethnicity etc #ABollywoodStateofMind
Jul 6, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
Happy #Pride. I am not marching for multiple reasons (including heat exacerbated pain issues) but I wanted to talk about why I (and how) as a straight woman, I wrote a gay brown protagonist in my novel @HotelArcadia_ I was introduced to public activism by queer friends in NYC.

As a teen in the 80s, I watched in horror as politicians, media, every sector of society victim blamed my friends for the AIDS crisis.

As a teen I chose love. And justice. And equality. I chose my friends.