Professor Kalkyl Profile picture
Co-founder & Brand Strategist, @Quartr_App.
7 subscribers
Jan 1, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read
Rivstartar 2023 med en casetråd! Här kommer några bolag från bevakningslistan. Blandad kompott.

1. 🇫🇮 $MEKKO - Anrikt finskt designhus som på senare år rört sig åt luxury, vilket drivit både top & bottom line. Moderisk? 10x FCF 24E.

7y CAGRs
Revenue +8%
EBIT +54%
ROIC (avg) 57% 2. 🇳🇴 $EPR - Norska lågprisjätten, som förvisso "alltid" sett billig ut, handlas nu enligt konsensus till ~9x FCF två år ut. Borde väl vara boom time för denna typen av biz framöver? Knäckfrågan är väl marginalen.

7y CAGRs
Revenue +10%
EBIT +16%
ROIC (avg) 22%
Sep 4, 2022 25 tweets 8 min read
1/ Det har nu gått snart två år sedan dagen jag fick se denna fula skissen för första gången, och lite drygt ett år sedan jag lade plåtverktygen på hyllan.

Här kommer en lång tråd som går lite behind the scenes på @Quartr_App 👇🏼 2/ Let’s set the stage med en låt. Dra på denna innan du fortsätter läsa, för den ultimata upplevelsen 🎧…
Jul 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Here’s my Quality Universe. A large collection of great businesses.

After today’s update it’s ~250 companies from 15 markets 🌎 I don’t have a hard definition for quality though, but I look at ROIC/ROE, margins, network effects, switching costs, brand strength, longevity, market share, scale/cost advantages, management, etc. The usual suspects.

Text version A-M:
Jun 26, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
1/ In 1984, marking the 50th anniversary of Graham & Dodd's release of 'Security Analysis', Buffett gave a great speech at Columbia Business School about the core principles of value investing.

These principles are as relevant today as in 1934, just as Buffett predicted. 2/ The death of security analysis..? Buffett's speech was sort of an opposing response to Michael Jensen's (a University of Rochester professor) speech about the efficient-market hypothesis, which he gave the same day.
Mar 12, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
1/ Vad kollar ni på för case just nu? Jag har tyvärr varit lite dålig på att göra ny research på senare tid, men vid första anblick i bevakningslistorna ser många namn intressanta ut. Här kommer en tråd med några halvbakta idéer. 2/ $RICK handlas nu i buyback territory, ~15x FCF eller P/E 10. Känns som bra value mtp bolagets fina kapitalallokering de senaste åren och deras growth runway. Borde kunna växa 15-20% ett tag till. Förvisso en hairy bransch samt några gamla plumpar i mgmts historik, men likväl.
Feb 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
$EVO Q4'21 👀

Revenue +69%
*N. America +168%
*Asia +117%
*Live +49%
*RNG +9%
*BTG +45%
EBITDA +115%
*marg. 68.9% (65.1)
EBIT +118%
*marg. 61.5% (47.8)
Net Profit +113%
*marg. 57.1% (45.4)
EPS +90% Geo split;
Feb 8, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1/x $META now trades at roughly 10x LTM core business EBIT and 15x group FCF. I know, I know, it’s not representative of the coming years’ earnings, but it’s still pretty crazy.

So.. after thinking for a while, I have two scenarios of how this might play out. Thread. 2/x First, I think they might be sandbagging growth and overstating CapEx guidance while at the same time overplaying the competitive threat card, mainly to change the narrative towards regulators. If so, the stock might have reached the “Buffett buying Apple”-level of cheapness.
Jan 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 The recent $CPRT interview (with former CEO of Middle East) from @_inpractise is amazing! It speaks a lot about Copart’s business model and competitive advantages. Highlights below 👇🏼

The NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) moat; 2/9 With scale comes efficiency, and efficiency + trust at the end of the day beats price for insurers;
Jan 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
$MSFT Q2’22 👀

Revenue +20%
*Intelligent Cloud +26%
*Productivity +19%
*Personal Computing +15%
*Office Cons. Subs 56.4M
*LinkedIn +37%
EBIT +24%
*marg. 43%
Net Income +21%
EPS +22% Intelligent Cloud now doing ~$70b in revenue LTM, growing >25% y/y $MSFT
Jan 2, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ After reading, or listening to, roughly 50 books during 2021, here’s a list of my 12 favorites (no particular order) 💭📚👇🏼 2/ This Taleb classic was on my 2020 list as well, but since I re-read it I couldn’t resist including it this year, too. It makes you both humble and skeptical (meaning; the good kind of skeptical).
Nov 26, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
1/ Situationen i $EVO är något av en perfect storm. Det är ju, precis som Hagstrom skriver nedan, så att en aktie kan ägas av hur många olika anledningar som helst, och att dessa anledningar/åsikter (eller avsaknaden av åsikter) ibland clashar och skapar hög volatilitet. 2/ $EVO har, mer eller mindre, avgudats sedan sin IPO, och det med all rätt. Det är ytterst få bolag i världen som kunnat leverera fundamentalt på deras nivå. Det komiska är, att just detta är något som skrämmer folk. En del tänker ”detta är för bra för att vara sant”.
Nov 14, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ My ten favorite sections from the unusual, but amazing, finance book “Investing - The Last Liberal Art” by Robert G. Hagstrom 👇🏼📚 2/ Mental Models:
Nov 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“HelloFresh have less than 1% food wastage at its manufacturing sites, compared to 15-20% wastage in the traditional grocery supply chain” $HFG “Gross margins at the typical retailer range between 7-25%, whereas HelloFresh's margins are significantly higher at ~65% (procurement costs are 35%)” $HFG
Nov 9, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
1/ My key takeaways from The Art of Execution by Lee Freeman-Shor 👇🏼📚 Image 2/ Be wary of The Gambler's Fallacy* when things go against you.

*The belief that you will win after a streak of losses playing roulette at the casino (or hand picking stocks) - "At this point, I'm due a win". Every new investment is an independent event.
Aug 28, 2021 20 tweets 7 min read
1/ Förvånansvärt lite snack om Söder Sportfiskes IPO tycker jag. Är nischade och lönsamma e-handlare med stort insiderägande inte in style längre? Här kommer en kortare tråd med några godbitar ur prospektet och ett par anledningar till varför jag tecknar 🎣 $SODER 2/ Söder Sportfiske, idag ett bolag som får >80% (2020) av sina intäkter från e-handel, har sina rötter i den fysiska butiken på Södermalm i Stockholm. Av prospektet att döma är Sverige en e-handelsmarknad man har i ett järngrepp. Man är också en av de större aktörerna i Norden.
Aug 9, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
1/ @kalqyl var ett passionsprojekt som startades under pandemisommaren 2020. Idén var väl egentligen inte glasklar, men vi visste att det fanns ett enormt sug efter bolagsanalys i Norden. Att nu få lyfta in Kalqyl i en professionell miljö känns stort.… 2/ Jag hade under en längre tid funderat på att samla alla mina Twitter-analyser på en bättre lämpad plattform. En plattform som var sökbar på ett helt annat sätt. Jag upplevde att det saknades något sådant i Sverige/Norden.
Jul 21, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
$EVO Q2'21💥

Revenue +100%
*North America +220%
*Asia +133%
*Live +59%
*RNG -2%
EBITDA +115%
*marg. 68.0% (63.2)
EBIT +110%
*marg. 60.7% (57.8)
Net Profit +105%
*marg. 56.3% (54.9)
EPS +75% Geo Split:
Jul 20, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ Some thoughts going into the $EVO $EVVTY Q2 tomorrow morning, my largest holding at ~19%.

Evolution has killed expectations *every quarter* since their IPO in 2015, and I've been a happy (and lucky) shareholder since 2018 somewhere. So, what's in store for tomorrow? 2/ I'm not the guy who creates the most exquisite models at all, and especially not for every quarter. It's no different this time, but I'm obviously always a little curious if expectations feels too high, or too low.. so here goes a few guesses👇🏼
Jul 15, 2021 25 tweets 9 min read

Since my last book tweet caught fire and a lot of people asked for specific recommendations, I decided to compile a thread with the books that have changed my thinking and/or inspired me the most so far (more will get added over time) 📚🧠💭🧵👇🏼 2/

The Joys of Compounding (2019)

Filled with amazing quotes & passages on everything from investing, common sense to life philosophy, collected from literally thousands of sources. Long-term thinking is the key to success, both in life and investing.…
Jul 12, 2021 21 tweets 10 min read
1/x Okay, grab a c̷u̷p̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷c̷o̷f̷f̷e̷e can of water. Today I will tell you about one of the coolest and most innovative brands that you've never heard of. This is...

Liquid Death - a company selling canned water. Image 2/x Before Mike Cessario founded Liquid Death in 2017, he worked as a Creative Director over at Netflix on shows like House of Cards, Narcos and Stranger Things.

And before that, he played in metal and hardcore/punk bands, which obviously influenced some choices later on... Image
Jun 27, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
1/x I decided to pick apart and share my favorite pieces from Rob Vinall's wonderful letter "More Accuracy" that he wrote earlier this year, who I believe deserves more attention. The two main components in the letter is 'Value vs. Growth' & Adaptability. 🧵👇🏼 Image 2/x In the first part he implicitly writes that he himself, and perhaps many others from his generation, maybe put a little too much emphasis on a company's history, and too little on their future.

Is some of reversion to the mean investing being arbitraged away by computers? Image