ProfessorHughAkston 🙃 = not complying/not happy Profile picture
I have a strong math, CS & radiology background for a clinician. I teach understanding medical statistics/EBM. Scramble:
Feb 22, 2021 9 tweets 6 min read

@NickHudsonCT inspired me to do something similar for the US.

We start w/ 10+ yrs of All-Cause.

Regression captures baseline drift, then fit a seasonal model.

We note that ~1/3 of the excess is outside the SD bars. 👍

From this, we can estimate weekly excess mortality. 2/
From the seasonal model, we can estimate yearly mortality and yearly excess over the past decade.

We see the largest All-Cause excess in CY 2017 ~40K which is less just Alz excess this year.

All-Cause Excess includes excess mortality from Alz, MI, overdoses, suicides etc.
Nov 20, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Understanding the Danish Mask Study:

Whenever possible, you should always run your trial in software to see if the study design is sound, and capable of delivering the results. A power analysis is a start, but a simulation is better. 2/ @Lester_Domes
The study uses the classic Frequentist analysis with p-values. We will leave that conversation for another time.

Here we start with the actual study data and run the study a million times and observe the range of raw counts as well as the range of percentages. ImageImage