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post pics of your waifu and I will tell you why she is trash one per customer (no otaku-Mormons)
Sep 1, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Ruminations of the state of play of Congressional races in Virginia...

Hottest race is VA-7. @DerrickforVA is looking good. Dems made a horrible nomination. We should be favored in this seat.

Next up is VA-10. @MikeClancyVA is the GOP nominee in a tough but winnable race.

+ In a normal year, VA-2 would be a super hot race. But @JenKiggans is a powerhouse and the Dems have given up on this race with a weak nominee who has no money.

Then there's a swath of solid GOP seats, VA-1, VA-5, VA-6, VA-9. None are competitive.

Jul 20, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
I'm just going to put my thoughts out there about the @hungcao_VA campaign, in the hope that something sticks and adjustments are made. Some of these observations apply to some Congressional campaigns as well. First, congratulations on the primary victory, it was a resounding one. It would be great if you could communicate that result to the messaging team, which hasn't shifted gears to the general election.
Nov 12, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
A sample of what it's like being targeted by a vast network of phony accounts. No new blocks were added during the production of these images. cc:@mehes3 @pnjaban

@mehes3 @pnjaban Believe it or not, these were not selected in any manner other than processing them one at a time as they came in to create examples.

Oct 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Pro spam control tip for @elonmusk: cut off Hetzner AG and OVH networks and watch your spam problem cut by a third overnight. Don't you have anyone there who can read a server log? @elonmusk The fact that Germany and France have massive server networks pumping out hacking traffic aimed at US websites 24/7/365 at incredible volumes should be a bigger deal than it is IMO
Jun 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
hmm so Loudoun Democrats and the various campaigns attached to LLW committed felonies against us

and Buta can't get in the way this time because the AG has original jurisdiction… and we can go back and prosecute everything from first contact with those assholes since felonies have no statute of limitations in Virginia

boy what a list of juicy targets for prosecution we got here
Jun 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Finally got a thorough legal analysis of CTCL/Zuckerbucks "grants" to election boards.

Every condition for conviction on Virginia's bribery statute is satisfied; we will be sending this analysis to the AG shortly, as AG has original jurisdiction over election crimes. Zuckerberg can thank David Becker/ERIC/CEIR for re-focusing our attention on this matter.

He should prepare criminal defense counsel now.
Apr 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
This would be absolutely impossible if ERIC weren't fraudulently misrepresenting its activities. It was their job to catch this and it's one of the main capabilities they advertise. VA-ELECT is doing its due diligence on ERIC and comparing the real world data to what is being fed to the state.

As with what we all found in 2021, the numbers don't add up and we have been defrauded by ERIC this entire time.
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Welp, that explains that Image Hey @JMU looks like you got a serious academic malpractice/ethics case on your hands I'd check this out stat
Apr 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
How to create a no-win situation for Communist radicals.

Either JMU debate team must admit that their methods are patently wrong and unfair, or they admit that we are right to do the same right back to them.

This is a Fool's Mate. I only feel a little bad for bullying college "debate" students that couldn't hold a candle to the shyest kid in my high school Model Congress club

it's very very little
Apr 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This looks super sketchy and I think we need a much better explanation of why a Democrat donor filed for office as a Republican.… TVP by doctrine does not take sides in Republican primaries. That doesn't mean any Democrat operative who files as a Republican will enjoy the benefits of the doctrine. The doctrine doesn't demand we be stupid and accept a Democrat's false colors.
Apr 18, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
I've been warning since the start that the Lindell crowd was barking up the wrong election integrity tree - which was why nothing positive came out of the entire circus. Meanwhile, for less than 1/10000th of what they spent, we were able to clean up the problem and win elections. receipts
Mar 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
ERIC padding voter rolls with nonvoters, giving the data to its director's activist org, who then passes it on to VA Dems, who then "ballot harvest" the entries through encouraging the harvesters to fake ballots.

There's nothing to stop this. It likely happens every election. VA Dems' lust for eliminating witness requirements and signature verification seems to make a lot more sense now.
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
All we need is one link between ERIC and the Center for Voter Participation to establish the entire chain of mass absentee fraud.

ERIC adds names of people they know won't vote, and thus won't detect someone voting for them, then CVP harvests these with mass mailings. based on the players involved in each the odds that a link exists is extraordinarily high

the last thing we're missing is who precisely is taking the ID'd registered nonvoters and casting ballots in their names
Mar 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
If ERIC is sharing Virginia voter data with third party groups as has been alleged, that's a serious felony in Virginia. You need to sign a form acknowledging this (as I did) when you gain access to VA's voter rolls.

If nothing else, this needs be investigated. Perhaps a read of the letter put out by ERIC two weeks ago is wise.+…
Feb 24, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
A ghost org with a fake address has privileged access to alter voter rolls in dozens of states - including Virginia.

This must be fully investigated immediately, and ERIC needs to get cut off from Virginia's system.

cc: @governorva @JasonMiyaresVA… @GovernorVA @JasonMiyaresVA A website made by GoDaddy and a copyright line that hasn't been updated in 5 years

what the hell is this group and how did they get access to insert entries into 32 states' voter rolls
Feb 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Barts resigned because the petition to recall was a success and a judge was about to remove her.

Her resignation let Democrat insiders instead of the public choose her replacement.

Now take a freaking hike like I told you to and stop stalking my account you perv. I mean, you seriously have to have some gall to claim that the leader of the enemies' list group and someone we have documented as explicitly approving a felony plot is somehow a victim in all this.

Jan 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
OK so here's the deal with Virginia and datacenters...

One of the world's most robust Internet backbone segments runs directly from Atlanta to Ashburn, Virginia

If you can get broadband off a close link you will have a connection anyone east of Ashburn would kill for The upshot of this is that there are many small towns along the line you would never think appropriate for high-tech networking that are quite ideal for this purpose

Such as Danville, which is right where that backbone crosses from NC to VA
Jan 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
At what point does people like Kendi and Hannah Jones accepting money to tell people things they know are not true cross the line into criminal fraud? They make up fraudulent stories. They represent these stories to be true. They sell the false narratives built upon these fabricated elements and receive money for them.

Now look at § 18.2-178. Obtaining money or signature, etc., by false pretense.…
Jan 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
At this point, we all understand that the RNC is a failed institution.

Apply the TVP internetwork model and route around the bad nodes and it's not actually all that big a problem. The reason why poor performers in the party didn't hinder the rebirth of the Virginia GOP is that we simply routed around them and went to the next-man-up to get done whatever job needed to be done.

A robust network doesn't need any particular single node.
Jan 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Ruthlessly exploiting the cognitive disability that Democrats self inflict by cutting themselves off from God is most definitely part of our brand.

The advantage this gives us is completely and totally unfair and I make no apology whatsoever for it spiritual development is actually not optional if you want to engage in a battle of wits at the highest level

the part of Democrat brains that they need to contend with our approach is atrophied from disuse

only by reactivating it can they have any hope to resist
Nov 15, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Trump made a massive mistake coming after Virginia Republicans and if that apology isn't issued in very short order there will be no coming back from it.

Everyone who works GOP side in Virginia which includes all the solid grassroots folks who voted Trump twice - has had enough. What makes this such a big mistake is that GOP gains in Virginia are entirely indigenous

There's no need for Virginia Republicans to bow to anyone - there's no outside dependency

Plus we know we're not getting any help in 2023 just like we didn't in 2021, so nobody has leverage