M. D. Petrucelli Profile picture
Against Medicalization • Bartender • Cocktail Drinker • CoHost of Doggerland & New Frankfort School Podcasts • Win my heart with High Life and Bittersweet shots
Nov 20, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
It may be that the great failure of parapolitical types has always been in connecting the various operations to a grander whole. GLADIO is born out of OSS operations done in Kunming (criminal ties) and with the Jedburghs (Surprise Kill Vanish strategy). This kind of asymmetrical warfare becomes the method used against Algeria by the OAS who in turn lose their rank and are funnelled into an as yet developing private Intel network. The tactics used are further developed in Phoenix and by COINTELPRO. Immediately following this we begin counterinsurgency in
Sep 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
They literally are proletarian production and distribution find unity in capital. It's for this reason that we separate the working class from the lower ranks of petit bourg (who Stalin is clear are still likely to be allies) because any effort to produce without a distribution system will ultimately fail. Restaurants as a form of distribution are quite literal the front cusp of capitals early encirclement as the food guilds saw their membership decrease and the older form of division of labor (Guild Laws) was replaced with a new form of division of
Sep 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This child is being subjected to psychiatric torture in the form of solitary confinement. At the same time he is being given medication to stop his natural reactions to torture and break his ability to resist the Zionist state. When I say that psych meds are to force compliance I mean things like this in a very real sense. This is a fucking child being tortured. He has every right to be experiencing a huge number of emotions deemed "symptomatic" and the Zionist state knows it. Every honest mental health professional in the world fucking knows it. They're
Jul 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm telling you everyone who started to love medical establishment when they were xurtailing civil rights during Covid is about to learn what any person who has spoken to any HIV activist over 60 already knew. That every "expert" in HIV is a fucking genocidaire. She studied under the same exact people who told you that HIV is confined to Hatians Homosexuals Hemophiliacs and Heroin Users. The fucking four h's. Who could forget Fauci saying that airborne transmission was possible with absolutely 0 evidence AFTER mother to child transmission had been
Jul 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Eugenics for thee but never for me is always the ruling class cry. "You dirty diseased simpletons will have children born to misery and death. There is 0 functional difference between this and the malthusians of the ruling class. The fake-left and the real right both agree that having children is hopeless and pointless, but only for you. Musk half disagrees to play devil's advocate but he only means nominally and only if you're uh the right type, if you catch my drift. The goal here is to propagandize. To convince you that this is YOUR decision. "Don't
Jul 23, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I think Marx draws an important line when he says wage slavery reduces us to an appendage of a machine and full and open slavery to the status of cattle that people today would miss but in his time they wouldn't have because they were more aware of how food was produced. The difference is machines are maintained and used to produce. They are bought and sold as is the workers life time (labour-power) but ultimately they are not simply to be consumed. The cattle comparison is a reminder that the full and open slavery of the plantation was to extract
Jul 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Wondering when we'll be reckoning with the term neurodiversity and the fact that this almost necessarily precludes psychiatric medications (which using the mythical chemical imbalance theory seeks to normalize "chemical imbalances"). The natural conclusions of neurodiversity is that there is a wider possible range of experiences of reality than are commonly accepted. That the fact that this experiential reality is the same (in a physical sense of actual objects perceived) and different and that is okay undermines the entire argument for psychiatric meds
Jul 21, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The most ridiculous part of the "biopsychosocial" model is that that phrase is functionally just the sociosociosocial model. There's no psychology without a social sphere, if you're not engaging with other people you're neither sane or insane you simply would be. There's no way for a single human to exist in absolute isolation, and this is equally true of the psyche (one part of what comprises a whole person so inseparable from them). The "bio" part is where the really insidious part of bourgeois malthusian & eugenicist ideology hides. No one is
Aug 12, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The intelligence to medical industry overlap is extreme and has to be understood so here's how the control of information works in that field. There are a few key elements of the attack waged by intelligence agents in this sphere, all of which are essential to the development of Of a successful campaign. First you engage with misinformation or half truths about your claim @RedKahina has discussed this extensively and has a chart detailing these methods You have to prepare a controlled opposition, one that can criticize you and be used to funnel real
Aug 12, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
The continued pursuit of eugenics in psychiatry is a shame of the field. The use of genetics to predict educational outcomes, criminality, and as we see from Howard by her own admission, agency. The implication that some are not capable of having a life
texasmonthly.com/news-politics/… that is fulfilling because of their "genetics" is in fact the basis of the life not worth living. She reduces human experience and limits it to a kind of religious predestination. God is replaced with a vulgar scientism and the original sin of every person, your flaws and success
Aug 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
So two (very minor) disagreements with an otherwise excellent segment.
1) not only do they not help most trauma induced psychiatric symptoms they ACTIVELY worsen them. Per Dr. Johnstone's Users and Abusers of Psychiatry
2) hip replacements are under the broader banner of biotech there aren't any like joint replacement exclusive companies. They all either operate on vertical integration (Globus buying out surgical robotics, precision tools, surgical mapping, and tissue growth) or they operate as generalized biotech companies (Wright for example), they
Jun 10, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
There is in fact overwhelming evidence that all of psychiatry and a significant portion of psychology is fundamentally pseudo scientific. It's main role is to act as the mediator of social norms, and in the event that you fall outside of those norms, to either rectify that and reassert normalcy, or to subject you to intense personal scrutiny. In the event that both of these fail, incarceration is the last remaining option. In the event that you don't supplant the golden calf with the idol of medication, you have no opportunity to leave this system.
Jun 9, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
2020 provided cover for the largest primitive accumulation grab since the birth of capitalism. In an unprecedented and sweeping capital accumulation there was a chapter 11 bankruptcy increase of 48%. It came at a convenient time. The baby boomers who are currently about to pass their accumulated wealth (labor hours) to their children saw a huge decrease, small business collapsed, and mass deaths ensured costly medical treatment. Meanwhile, the highest income job bracket is UP 1.2% from pre-corona. For those who make under 27k a year, there are 19% fewer
May 16, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
The overwhelming number of Hobbesians on the right and the rejection of dialectics that comes with this means that we have to be able to identify this ideology in relation to our own and so ill be addressing some of Leviathan here. An overwhelming theme of Hobbes is the rejection of Aristotle (and the Neoplatonists) and an attempt to place the roots of philosophy firmly in Europe (developing the idea of the West), an ahistorical event that places materialism as being rooted in Western(sic) philosophy. So, the first target that he takes on is sense, which