ourconstitution.info Profile picture
info@ourconstitution.info - no sex/partial/full nudity - SAEK - #StudentsAgainstExtrajudicialKillings - For the SAKE of Humanity - #protectpatientsstudentsall
Oct 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
SEEMS LIKE ARMAGEDDON TO ME. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Arm… > "the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil" x.com/ProtectPatient… DUNCAN PhD ex-CIA/DARPA Targeted Individual nebula.wsimg.com/5eeb90c6d24ce4……………………………………………………………… GIORDANO PhD Georgetown Univ/Pentagon Neuroethics nebula.wsimg.com/bb71035e1ca66e…………………………………………………………… HALL MD anesthesiologist Targeted Individual nebula.wsimg.com/9a46208b0bc7e6…………………………………
Jun 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@ClooneyFDN @TrialWatch @TheDocket @TheSentry_Org
Human Rights atty for neurorights "Targeted Individual" case in US. Torture is Worldwide. DOD unique targeting Americans via brainprint. Complete body control. Insert words, thoughts, images. See hear all. ourconstitution.info
May 8, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
@RealAFOSI Please listen to your recorded phone line 1-877-246-1453 at about 7:08 this am 5.8.22.
I am a #TargetoftheApocalypticHolocaust (I have previously used the term "Targeted Individual" when calling). This is not a joke, nor hyperbole - the documentation is online in > a vast number - huge number of pages - and at many websites, mine included - ourconstitution.info. My torture is some form of energy - not sure what - that has left holes in aluminum - and many days is a continuous hissing. At night images are inserted as "dreams" I guess is >
May 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Go protest? Go to a nearby campus - have folks take a pic of your links page? (See example next - use this if you want to. More links at ourconstitution.info.) > No denying govt mind-capture-torture
No denying govt use of high-tech CIA satellite weaponry by US Air Force against Americans
May 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"...There is enormous potential for states, companies, and non-state actors to infringe upon human rights through the misuse or abuse of neurotechnology. Without the continued development of international human rights law, there are today a wide array of > human rights protection gaps. Moving forward, developing a common approach to
neurotechnology across the United Nations (“UN”), further interpretation of current international human rights treaties, new soft law instruments, and a code of conduct for states and neurotechnology >
Jan 30, 2022 38 tweets 6 min read
gangstalkingworld.neocities.org/Media/Reports/… Juliannne McKinney
"...KGB strategies were addressed in some detail during these discussions. It was noted that the KGB’s success depended on the extensive use of informant networks and agent provocateurs; and, following Brezhnev’s rise to power, on the > use of drugs and and psychiatrists for further purpose of manipulation and control. Shadowing, bugging, slandering, blacklisting and other related tactics were also
cited as serving KGB purpose. Participants in the conference agreed that the KGB’s obvious intent was to divide >
Jan 29, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Thanks to Helena Csorba drive.google.com/file/d/1YnKIUt…
fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/guides… "Published material related to the biological effects of microwave radiation and govt documents, acquired under the FOIA, related to the microwave bombardment of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow." 10 boxes 8000 pp paulbrodeur.net
In 1977, he compiled his extensive knowledge and
research to publish, "The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk and the Coverup"...
Jan 28, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
so hang in there
hold on
someone is coming to rescue you
and there are many of us out here that
are fighting like hell to make sure that
when that happens it's not too late because contrary to popular belief this is not a non-lethal weapon 39:13
157 roy street to begin to name the co-conspirators in
this illegal social engineering and
39:21 research and development program
get those files and you will get every
single person involved in this you will
get the entire program from start to
Jan 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1:29 "...We need more insiders to speak out...11:59...Hive-mind...many, many hundreds of years more advanced...manipulate minds of troops...14:00 communication at speed of thought..."Super Soldiers"...when it spills over...dangerous line...crossed..."
technology the more i know
that no one should be given the power
to have access to this technology
it is too dangerous it is too horrible
and the potential for abuse is too great
once something like this has been led
Jan 23, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read

Dr. Robert Duncan
26:41 “…we can start off with the non classified stuff which is active denial of service… that's a 95 gigahertz platform built by Raytheon that works for a kilometer and a half and ah they won't even - the Marines asked for it in the > Gulf War and they wouldn't even give it to them. Michael Wynn of the Air Force said we have to use it on our own citizens before we will use it in battle… He got he got fired for that… Yeah just ‘cause he made it public but that's the way they think... Google... says 30:50 >
Jul 4, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
July 4, 2021 Univ Miami/2nd largest CIA hub + State+military>Perfect storm sadism/greed>sanctioning neuro-torture>robbing Medicare/overcharging patients
Audacity of Evil - Killers Among Us
“stakes were potentially in the hundreds of millions of dollars” Nazi savages in US military uniforms on this JULY 4, 2021 -- NOT what their predecessors fought and DIED for - HELL ON EARTH - ALL RAPE - cease and desist immediately - return all data - no copies - NUREMBERG II TRIBUNAL
HAFB, SCOM Military Bio labs S FL: lewrockwell.com/2020/05/joseph…
Jul 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read

We have rules for research that comply with Nuremberg and Our Constitution. One can study individuals legally for concerns of National Security (but not including torture). There are protocols, oversight, and often payment to the study subjects. They > don't need to do this hell for decades - or at all - to know the harm these things cause. This is a money generator and a way to control and blackmail. The Senators and presidents are scared - of course they know - after years of complaints. Most of them are in the MIC's pocket.>
Jul 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
# ourconstitution.info 2021-06-16 16:22
In prior commenting I have said that we remain separate from the military at Our Own Peril-THAT TIME IS NOW>neuro-tortu re against Americans, via DOD>satellite. TREASON. I know Ed will say the public has to know> below is a video/transcrip tion of Iraq War Voice of G_d weapon developer, now whistleblower, Robert Duncan.
Anyone can be neuro captured & many probably are, but just don't know it. Those who do are UNIQUELY tortured w varying extremes of sound, touch, radiation. They steal DNA>
Jul 4, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
politicalmoonshine.com/2021/06/26/sur… Second video down (red dot) of Surfside collapse. Also, the last video, Tore Says Show - although she is not referring to TIs, she could be. She is a pro-Trump partisan - but since I am not sure she is even aware of TIs, the truth could be more real and > horrid than even she knows. Tore Says Show
Biden – Blood of Patriots – Tree of Liberty – 2nd Amendment
Mod 6:34 (white, bottom counter) …yesterday I was…very upset…7:00 yesterday you had a President ….threaten his own citizens…that should >
Jun 13, 2021 38 tweets 7 min read

TMNEC Lily, Dr Duncan 6.9.21
PENTAGON "PLAN" - CYBERNETICS "...Imagine we could connect eight billion human brains together, rather than quantum computers…plus AI…in a network structure based on trust of who gets to know what, and what they can think..." 2:03:59 (mod) I can’t believe the CIA is that down and dirty
2:04:06 RD I wish I could say otherwise, but I know these guys… 2:04:26 it truly is unfathomable how psychopaths actually represent a major part of our society …
2:07:13 (Caller) Is it ever going to stop and how?>
Jan 7, 2021 7 tweets 9 min read
@straydawg67 @Teri05095534 @BuzzPatterson 1/ True. Problem is military/Intel, deep state, national security state r running the Country-their way or no way ... & they kill to keep it. We do have to get back to Constitutionality but that will be a reality only via mass peaceful protests that stop the economy-speak $$ @straydawg67 @Teri05095534 @BuzzPatterson 2/ We need to get religion out of state & Pledge, money, govt institutions, oaths of office/military (use the Constitution not Bible), holiday names & dates (use seasons perhaps, on a date not specific to anyone religion). SYSTEM'S CORRUPT & MAIN RELIGIONS LARGE PART OF $$, POWER
Jan 4, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read
@gypsybels @freethetruth2 1/ I think she did what she was told. I think she could have just as easily, along with all her other horrid opinions, state that the US has precautions for suicide risks, and recommend he be sent on. If you have seen my site you know I am reporting horrid things involving the @gypsybels @freethetruth2 2/ military and a powerful university housing the CIA (2nd largest hub likely) as well as the State of Florida, Miami-Dade County, and others. Stuff has been happening in retaliation - from DC - See my FIU police report I submitted a few days ago, now at my site. After that,