Put your pin on our #PhotoFinish map!! Sign up today to take concrete action to detect potential hacking&other problems with voting equipment: protectourvotes.com/photo-finish-v… Volunteers make photos of precinct poll tapes after voting closes on on Nov. 3rd&upload those to our website.
We really need volunteers for Ohio and would like for poll watchers from candidate campaigns to sign up for Pennsylvania.
Jul 12, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
ProtectOurVotes.com has formed a project called Photo Finish to take photographs of final precinct results poll tapes on election nights. Volunteers send those photos to us through our Photo Uploader. If there are technical problems, they can send us the photos or videos 1/5
by email to info@protectourvotes.com with PHOTO FINISH 2020 in the ¨Subject¨heading and include the name of the precinct, county and state. It’s this easy to upload: Our Citizen Analyst volunteers will then tabulate all those results and compare them 2/5
Sep 10, 2018 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
We sent FOIA requests for Public Records to the 7 OH12 counties requesting copies of the ballots from the Special Election on August 7, 2018 1/
We sent follow-up requests in Sept 2018 where we tried to be more specific:
1.Copies of all reports generated by any and all touchscreen machines (and/or scanners, if those were used) at the precincts by the DREs. These are known as the poll tapes, example attached. 2/