Andrew J Proudfoot Profile picture
Tweets pharmacognosy econ, insurance, law & trauma. Differently. LLB, BEcon MTaxFP & HDR candidate: cannabinoids, endometriosis, pain & insurance medicine WSU
May 24, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Recently, @Peter_Grinspoon of Harvard / MGH provided a lecture to physicians, researchers & Oz public touching on:

“The Top 5 Ways in Which Cannabinoids Supplement Opiates in #CNCP Patients”



@RACGP @ANZCA_FPM @TGAgovau @ChooseWiselyAU (your advices out of date) Before the big 5 he qualifies comments:
a) threshold question- Is Cannabis less harmful or risky than alternative ?
b) is it safer in the particular indication?
c) communications between doctor & patient key
d) real world evidence (Eg insurance claims data) - v important