Travelling psychiatrist in La Loche, La Ronge, Stony Rapids, OutSaskatoon, CUMFI, and Sanctum 1.5. Settler. She/her. #cbcfuture40
Jul 25 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
So as soon as it became apparent the SHA wasn't hiring my wife I started trying to create a northern clinic model and recruit residents to it. So far no buy in to hire a permanent coordinator to make sure we're efficiently connecting with pts and the northern staff
My resident I recruited has SO MANY places that need her she's very appropriately leaning towards better supported clinics instead of taking over mine.
Nov 13, 2020 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
I have a respiratory bug. I'm really hoping it's just the flu. But this means I've canceled 2 clinics, a med student isn't getting his training from me, and I'm behind on tasks. If this continues, I'd like to paint a picture of what it will mean to the province.
I'm 1/4 of the psychiatrists @usask student wellness, 1/2 the psychiatrists at the Operational Stress Injury Clinic, the only psychiatrist @OUTSaskatoon or doing remote clinics to #LaLoche the #AthabascaHealthAuthority and the only adult psychiatrist for #LaRonge.