Niall R. Thotep Profile picture
A bobbly, scrobbly gnome-troll.
Aug 5, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Taking a conservative view, setting fire to a hotel might just be considered Arson (Reckless As To Whether Life Endangered). A 1B offence in the sentencing guidelines has a starting point of 6 years, with a range of 4-10 years. If a door was barricaded to prevent escape, then Arson With Intent To Endanger Life is arguably a more appropriate charge. Starting point 8 years, range of 5-12 years.
Jan 14, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Many years ago, I did a "drive around" with some police officers and a client, who was a prolific thief, specialising in thefts from cars, and who wanted a clean start at the end of his case.

For several hours, we drove round the force area whilst my client... ...spontaneously confessed to offences he had committed in pretty much every car park, beauty spot or layby we went past. There were, it must be said, many of them. A lot of them the police already knew about, and a few they already suspected by client of committing.
Dec 16, 2017 14 tweets 3 min read
Well done to @jerryhayes1 for making disclosure problems in criminal proceedings front page news. The issue is longstanding & pervasive. It is not limited to sex cases or crown court matters. Its effect is corrosive on the justice system. An example from the magistrates court: The defendant was charged with battery. Allegation was: he went to a place of business & punched someone. He was then pushed out of the door by employees of the business. Once outside, he punched the complainant again and an altercation took place between him and the employees.