How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App each infection. detail of abuse and dire malpractice (which all too often ends in death) from people with #MECFS and their families. Your body of work is beyond reproach and I can only guess at the toll it takes, but we are so grateful for the work you do. Keeping receipts on this 2/ telling people to vaccinate is not a strategy against #LongCOVID: how about HEPA filters, far UV lights, ventilation, regular testing and masks?? These are feasible strategies that can significantly reduce acute infection risk. You have a friend with LC? OK - so maybe 2/, along with what was recently pre-printed by @DrDenDunnen, solidifies directional relationships between autoantibodies (AABs) and #LongCOVID symptoms. What is driving the proliferation of these AABs? Many candidate theories ranging from virally-triggered autoimmunity to 2/ 2020, before the federal gvt had even acknowledged LC, and my team was burning out trying to manage 1000s of acute COVID patients and 100s of LC patients (then named “post-acute COVID Syndrome”/PACS), Dr Proal reached out to my team and told us about viral persistence and 2/ regarding #LongCOVID in the media. The most prominent scientific journals in the world have published systematic reviews of the literature highlighting the fact that 7-12% of acute SARS-CoV-2 infections result in Long COVID - a chronic disease state that has no 2/ work, I highly recommend checking out @VirusesImmunity's breakdown of the study. It is detailed and complete. Rather than replicating that, I'm going to share some additional thoughts and next steps for the research. The first thing that this study provides us with some 2/