Aephraim Steinberg Profile picture
Experimental quantum physicist, @UofT @uoftphysics @CIFAR_News @CQIQC_Toronto . Thoughts here may not even still be my own by the time you read them.
Jun 23, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Feels like time for one of my occasional rants about #Education & society. [1 of e^N]

I can't think of a stress test which could have better exposed the hypocrisy of our allegedly education-focused society and its professed love for STEM and quantitative,"data-driven," approaches than the lack of outcry when our ministries assure us that despite the trials of the past year, "children won't be held back" (literal read: "however little we've taught them this past year, we promise not to take the time to try to [2 of ?]