Christine from Canada 🛠⚓⛵🌞 Profile picture
Wife to awesome hubbykins, mother of 2 beautiful and energetic little girls and 1 handsome little boy! Boss to fantastic, hard working men! Right wing lover!
Oct 26, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
In a ridiculously simplified way, yes!
Taxing people to use resources required to live because they "pollute" is a sick lie! We cannot allow raw sewage dumps and uncontrolled littering and unnecessary pollution to continue to be a modern convenience b/c it's easier than caring. We need proper incentives that allow people to actually save money on making changes that save energy/reduce emissions/save on residual bills so that they can spend in other areas... investments, businesses, education, vacation here and there.
Oct 18, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
What if I told you there is a way to completely and utterly STOP the dumping of raw sewage in Canada, even say N.A. but we'll just concentrate on us for now. This system is COSTLY! It would need to be paid for as a loan by our federal government (Chinese are willing to lend for) And then repaid through form of a short term tax/fee, that would be paid for equally by everyone until the technology is paid off! Re-evaluate after paid off for maintenance costs and cover those, any extras away in case of needing unforeseen repairs. Financials would all be