Queenie 🦉 Goldstein Profile picture
Here to help fight against this authoritarian regime with #WWWResist⚡️ Blocked by @SebGorka. No lists, please. Fan account from the world of #FantasticBeasts.
Nov 11, 2018 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1. What Charlie Brown says here is exactly how I feel whenever @realDonaldTrump, @VP, @SpeakerRyan, @senatemajldr, & nearly the entire @GOP talk these days. They’re lying, I know it, & I’m insulted that they think so little of those supposed to serve that they won’t be honest. 2. Of course, nearly half of the citizens of this country don’t realize they’re being lied to, or don’t want to believe it. So they fall for Lucy’s “signed document” ploy. They think that this President, this Senator this (insert elected official here) will be different.