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Apr 17, 2024 21 tweets 11 min read
An examination of 18 supposedly ‘trans animals’ disproves activist claims that we all live on a non-binary gender ‘spectrum.’

Written by developmental biologist @FondOfBeetles and @jonkay 👇
1. Clownfish (the protagonist in the 'trans animal' debate)

Some male clownfish (typically, the most dominant specimens within a school) change their sex to female. We know they’ve switched sex because they’ve change their gonad tissue, and so start making eggs instead of sperm (which is to say that their gonads are now ovaries instead of testes). As with humans, there are only two gonad types in clownfish, and two gamete types—one male and one female—and nothing in between.

Sexes? Two.

Sex change? Yes, because clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites.

Could I be a hermaphodite trapped in a mammalian body? Very doubtful.Image
Dec 30, 2018 10 tweets 5 min read
Camille Paglia's call for a new map of the gender world was our
our 10th most read article of 2018 quillette.com/2018/11/10/cam… PewDiePie's Battle for the Soul of the Internet came in at #9