Kristjan Kullamägi 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Trading the U.S. markets from Sweden since 2011. Happy to help! PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Streaming daily at
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Dec 31, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Best and worst and most memorable trades of 2020:

$TVIX short in March was my first $1M loss. It was also my first $1M gain a week later.

$KODK accidental fat finger halt halt halt $1.5M loss that got me into the Wall Street Journal, on the last page with David Beckham. /2
My biggest losses every year are ALWAYS shorts. This is why I don't recommend anyone to short on the stream.

Can't really remember any big losses due to breaking rules or trading setups that were not mine.
Dec 31, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Let's talk about returns and return expectations. For traders, this year was probably the biggest opportunity set since...1999?

Many people struggled this year due to obvious reasons but us traders have been living in another reality. 2/
As most of you know I livestream my trading on Twitch every day using simple setups and principles with no rocket science or fancy indicators involved.

I started the year with $3.7M in all trading accounts combined and finishing it with $36M.

That's an 870% return.
Nov 26, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
We already know this but still interesting read:… 2/
"A study published in June of almost 1,600 Brazilian day traders that tracked their activity for one year concluded that only 3% made money... Only 1.1% earned more than the Brazilian minimum wage and only 0.5% earned more than the initial salary of a bank teller"