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25+|Berry|♥Wangxian canon dynamic♥ verse friendly🔞| She/her | danmei ♥ allship friendly unless they break wangxian. main account @MoonyKumi
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Jul 9, 2023 57 tweets 9 min read
a/b/o where omegaxian feels that his biological clock is calling him and he seriously thinks about having a baby.

He's long past 30, has a well-paying job and a lot of money saved up. He is living well, tired, but well. A successful career that leaves no time for dating. He may not be married or have children as expected of an omega, but he has his house and his own money, so he takes that, Madam Yu.
Jun 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
On a hunt with the heirs, the teenager Wwx suddenly found himself surrounded by many small children. he was the only one who had not been affected by a yao's curse.

(The spirit was evil, but responsible. He couldn't leave small children unsupervised, of course!) getting restless children out of the woods to return to CR had been very difficult. Lwj, Lxc, Nhs, JC, Jzx, and a couple of Lan disciples all looked like 3-year-olds.
Jun 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🍣 or 🍗 I want to choose both but only can buy one bc im poor
Jun 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I have this danmei chat with some friends, one of them is a fan of Bingqiu and another of Bingjiu and they had a discussion

the conversation went something like this:

"Bingqiu has more chemistry than Bingjiu" "That's not true! If it weren't for the misunderstandings that original Sqq suffered, its dynamics would be better"

"what misunderstanding? The original Sqq was evil and abused Lbh. Your ship only survives on hc+
Jun 19, 2023 173 tweets 27 min read
Later, Wwx and Lwj were lying next to each other. Wwx looked at the ceiling in silence while Lwj had already closed his eyes.

Wwx was unable to sleep, with thousands of confused thoughts in his head. He stared at the ceiling for a long time. Lwj had not attacked him, he had protected him from the eyes of elders and now he simply let him sleep, as if nothing had changed
Beside him, Lwj seemed to sleep peacefully, his breathing soft and his hands crossed on his chest, with that same rigid posture he used when sleeping
Jun 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Im agree tbh
Xichen loves his brother above all but even so Jgy showing nothing but kindness so it's understandable that he trusts him 🥹 ppl should strop blaming him bc he is too kind
He even listens to his brother in the end even if he does not want to believe Xichen is a naive character, but that doesn't make him bad. He was probably the first to be against WangJi's punishment, but even if he is a sect leader, his power is not absolute,
Jun 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Tbh, this time i dont care about being priv qrt
ppl like you, who are extremists in their opinions about fictional characters are what make this fandom sometimes intolerable. And it's not about JC, but about any other character, bc everyone thinks they're right I have had problems with JC stands who are crazy, one of them started tagging me in zhancheng content bc I told them I DID NOT LIKE IT and another insulted me for not being a fan of Xicheng.
Jun 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So, I was thinking about whether to make the new huli jing wwx in my most recent thread a fox spirit capable of eating yaos and bad spirits. Something similar to the baihu (I think it's the baihu), but I also don't want to get him completely away from the resentful energy, Should i make it close to ying and yang? The hulijing managing both energies to maintain balance or something similar
I could take some ideas from other novels that i read but I feel like the world of mdzs is a netherworld so some of these mythology rules wouldn't apply correctly
Jun 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I haven't slept at all for reading a fic where Wwx became a comet after dying and I'm still a sea of mucus and tears It's like... 8am, maybe 9am, and I should sleep now but i can't stoo crying lmao
Jun 15, 2023 95 tweets 15 min read
Thinking a lot about Wwx reincarnating as an ordinary fox right after his death and cultivating into a fox spirit Once she was done, the character burned and was engraved on the bell.

The woman had elegant white tails that swayed lazily and her ears, the same dark color as her hair, moved slightly, picking up a sound in the distance.
Jun 15, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
wlw Wangxian with a feminine and delicate femji. I like to think that Femji actually has a very strong and elegant sense of fashion, sometimes when I think about the clothes that Femji would wear, I have specific thoughts, a style of clothing that is elegant and sensual but also modest. Both men and women see her as unattainable so she hasn't had much luck dating her until she meets Wei Ying, who turns her world upside down.

And on their first night together, Femxian hopes she can make it nice for Femji and teach her a lot of things,
Jan 30, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
with mdzs's official translation, the fandom is like: i will buy the book only to support mxtx bc she deserve it but i am not reading it, it's a mess, a disaster, horrible, why did they do this shit official tl: 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
fan tl: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Jan 30, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Fantasy Au where the Lans are elfs... in fact I can imagine it, being all big and attached to nature. Although in fantasy, elves are always identified with green, would the Lan be a type of elves, perhaps water elves? or white elves?
Jan 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
me trying to make a comic with csp about my thread of Ganyu and Zhan'er but tbh idk if i will finish it 😆😆 Thread
Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I've always thought that people misinterpret wwx's personality. A lot of ppl make it too long-suffering, and sometimes I think the fandom needs to refresh their memory by rereading the novel. Even I have that problem >< So far I think that animeloverhomura and TomantenMark have created very good representations of the characters in their fics, idk, i think that's why i love their fics lol
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Wwx talking to a random friend who understands his feelings for lwj

"And he's so handsome" he says

"Mm-Mm. And so perfect"

"And his eyes are beautiful. His voice. The way he wields his sword!"

"Mm-Mm. How the wind moves his hair. How he talks and walks" "YES! How can someone so perfect exist?"

"Right? Imagine having his babies"

"His babies, they would be adorable, any child of Lan Zhan would be"

"Ah, I wish I could marry him, but he's so cold. It's a shame to only be able to love him from afar."
Jan 5, 2023 128 tweets 20 min read
#Wangxian 🐉🦊
'The great dragon doesn't know how to tell his fox slave that he loves him.'

So, Hanguang-Jun is one of the most powerful dragons in his clan, but lives far away in his own home in the mountains. He is respected and feared. It is known that there is no dragon fairer than him and there is nothing he hates more than slave traders bc slave traders kidnapped and killed his mother when he was a child

So how did he end up with a fox slave?

Well, actually it was... accidental?
Nov 22, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
I don't know how to do comics teehee Image
Lgy: "Where are you think you're going, young man?"
A'Zhan: .... *Caught sneaking out CR*


Lgy: "Come on little one, go with your brother. Don't ever try to get out again. You are too young"

Lgy: Oh A'Zhan. Where are you trying to go
Nov 22, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
cw: nsfw #wangxian

Foxxian being fucked by Dragonji. Foxxian uses a single tail to prevent DragonJi from being swallowed by them when they fuck, especially when Foxxian is on his hands and knees. But sometimes (more than he would like) Foxxian is unable to control his tails and they explode like an open fan. Either in the middle of orgasm or bc Dragonji is fucking him too well.
Nov 21, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I want to write something about YinHuFuTwins au but with reincarnation au and modern cultivation... Wangxian dies and they are reincarnated, and the twins wait, sealed, for their parents.
Nov 6, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Foxxian ate a delicious apple while walking around the market with a drunken dragonji. After receiving some strange gifts from the dragon, he was satisfied when Foxxian began to eat.

"Wei Ying" "Mn? What is Lan Zhan? Please don't tell me you want to look for more chickens. If someone finds out that the great HGJ has stolen chickens, the world will collapse"

"Wei Ying"

"Yes, Lan Zhan?"