Roger Paul Mitchell Profile picture
A sport/music guy from a macrofinance background. Sprezzatura! We live in un equilibrio sopra la follia. Docere, Delectare, Movere.
Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Hope you can tune in for tomorrow's AYNE GOG.

We discuss the Feral Beast of football, from all angles.

"Its a feature not a bug"

And why the women's game would do much better to distance itself, not conflate!

"Not your boyfriend's game" is the @ttmygh suggested strapline. From where now Man United?, to Ryan Giggs, to Brooklyn Beckham, to Souness thuggery, to an unsustainable Bundesliga. To an up and coming Arsenal with the anthem of all time. @codney67 @ElliotR1971

Not for the woke this episode. Be warned.

For those who like a laugh instead...
Aug 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
12000 words? Or @tfadp famous line

"No GenZ isn't buying your ******* sub service.

We have a massive known unknown in all this.

What is the TAM for subs services? Specially on younger audiences?

I tend to agree with Dan. They won't pay standalone subs.

All gloom?

No.. Come for the sport stay for what I really sell.

- apple makes all it's money with hardware. Mainly the iPhone. They need to defend that. Sport is defence.

- Amazon fanatics rakuten Walmart we know what they are selling. Sport (likely free) is to get you in their shop.
Jul 23, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
I'm the same age as @EpsilonTheory , but until 15 years ago I didn't know of him and this community of what I call different-level finance guys.

I honestly thought the @FT and @TheEconomist was all I needed!

Then I realised, and I met guys like @ttmygh… The "Finance" they teach you in Uni, as a CA, in the glorious traditional media, is the Blue Pill. It really is.

Luckily, via people like Grant and Ben, the red pill is freely available.

This article is as close to a one stop jumping off point as you'll get.
Jul 22, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
In the early 90s, I lived in Italy, and had hustled a way into writing for papers and broadcasters. Independent BBC and Sky mainly.

@SerieA was the greatest league in the world. The University of Football. Everyone played there.

I got to see it! The first Napoli title with Diego, the farewell of Platini, Sacchi's Milan.

Iconic moments. Milestones in my life and career.

In those days, sports coverage was simple. La Gazzetta, radio and TV highlights.

Well, 30 years on, things are different.
Jul 17, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Traditional #golf fans look away now. Here is where the game goes from here IMHO. And it needs to, it's av age is 50+

The majors will remain the absolute centre of the game and carry it's 72 hole tradition. They will expand as events to include qualifying rounds. Positive! The rest of the game I personally see is not around stroke play at all. 54 or 72. Its too long/slow before someone wins or loses.

People say that LIV has nothing of merit to play for. Agreed. But elite sportspeople are driven by direct winning and losing. Its a pride ego thing.
Jun 27, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
This hit my timeline again yesterday, for obvious reasons. I just loved catching up on #Glastonbury2022 and reflecting on the art and business of making music. To most of us, the first part is totally alien. Seeing McCartney create...... I dug out this scene from the massively underated Scorcese TVSeries #vinyl.

Isn't that just amazing?

For anyone who wants to know how the industry was, watch Vinyl. I'm not talking retail, or MTV/radio, music publishing....I mean a record label.
Jun 25, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Some comments on the most extraordinary time for Dundee football as I remember it from the stage.

Sorry to say....they ain't coming back. Enjoy the reality that this was the swansong...for all of Scottish football.

Spltv would have been a chance, but... When they hired me at the SPL, I was told one of the main challenges in the in-tray was the Dundee stadium. They had been let into the spl on a promise to build the new one. A risk.

It was indeed a "challenge".

Who owned Dundee at this time?

A couple of brothers called Marr
Oct 20, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
What a wonderful discussion expertly teased out by Mr Gillis.

What we are seeing in global soccer now is nothing short of Grand Strategy.

Everyone should read 2 books to understand where we are:

The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli

This is the board We are in the end game for the future soul of the game.

This thread is under the title
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Let's consider the possible outcomes and who are on the battlefield.

And what could/should be possible scenarios of winners/losers and alliances.
Oct 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This makes my blood boil. @CormackDavie could find a million better things to invest his money in. For return and enjoyment.

But he's in a phase of his life of "giving back". To his city and club.

There should be a parade for him every day.

And you see this tabloid hassle. He is trying to modernise with Glass, a long term strategy.

Aberdeen were stagnating under McInnes. Fans were mad. Dave treated him better than he needed.

9 games in you get fans (I give them a pass as I have low expectations) and simple hacks like this breaking his balls 🤬
May 15, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.

#CelticFC is at one of those moments.

It's lost.

Here is what's it needs to do to.

But first I do want to praise Peter. He has dedicated his career to his club and passion. He has limitations but

he is indeed an honourable man. Celtic today has no "why", no "meaning"

It's potentially a world class brand with a unique diaspora that has done no work in this area. Probably coz Dermot hasn't asked for it.

The community doesnt know who we are and where we are going. And in that vacuum comes negativity.
Mar 15, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm one of the accused here so I'll bring my A game.

It's inevitable and here's why.

If your point is "sport isn't a business then stop now".

To see any future you need to analyse the possible forces of change and assess their power and motivation.

Silicon Valley is all! Silicon Valley has financed where we are today and what will happen tomorrow. The FAANG generation of unicorns makers.

It is their mindset that dominates all. Sandhill Road, Palo Alto, Menlo Park dictates business and culture.

They dominate "content" and distribution. Right?
Dec 21, 2020 8 tweets 8 min read
@ttmygh @fleckcap @AitkenAdvisors I know Grant well by I'm a lay person in all this. Here is a thread on this episode. Not all complimentary. The episode itself chastised the sin of "overthinking it all" and that's spot on. All of us have uses gallons of ink and gigas of audio files in analysing since 2008. 1/n @ttmygh @fleckcap @AitkenAdvisors 2/n. The overthinking has ignored the famous Munger axiom " show me the incentives and I'll tell you...". What are those? Well every govt from China to GCC manipulates socioeconomic conditions to stave off the mob. Every country has an unwritten social contract to be honoured.
Dec 20, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
At the #spl I had the good fortune to frequent senior politicians. Took them to games. Dewar, Galbraith, Reid. 1998 started both the spl and holyrood. I remember those days. The theme was " the quality of msp is low. They are councillors. The talent is down in Westminster". 1/2 2/2. Donald said " give it time. Eventually the best will stay up here.". I never bought that. Not sure Donald did either. Reid certainly didn't as I remember. Well it's a generation later. It's clear there is no talent in holyrood. Mitigating is there is none in London either.