☦️ Orthodox Christian • Wife • Mama of 2 + 🤰🏻 • Homebirth/Homeschool Respecter • Esoteric Motherhood • Birth and Postpartum Doula • Writer • Fierce Mild •
Dec 27, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Nothing red pilled me like backpacking through India for three months. Yes I was that retard who did the “travel the world find yourself non-sense.” Thankfully I was smart enough to not do it alone and was only harassed verbally while there.
Ironically, though I didn’t “find myself” in the spiritual sense, I did realize for the first time who my tribe really was and where I belonged.
I gleaned a lot of wisdom about the way the world actually works from it, albeit it was the hard way to learn. No longer could I romanticize the way less developed nations actually functioned or the reasons why compared to home, they hardly functioned at all.
Experiencing things like women’s only sections of beaches patrolled by security to keep women safe from the men was eye opening to me on a level I had never before experienced. It made me realize how grateful I was to come from a place where that was not only unnecessary but unheard of. The deep existential sigh of relief of leaving the incessant noise, garbage, scammers, chaos and implicit danger of that country is something I’ll never forget.
Aug 27, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Did you know that a healthy placenta goes for about 35k on the medical market?
Do you know what happened to your placenta?
Did they even let you see it?
You know those hospitals in the US who charge women tens of thousands of dollars for a birth? If they stole and sold your placenta, that would cover the cost of the birth and they would actually owe you money.
May 27, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
@motherpilled Totally it’s always good to let women know they have options. My point is that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with laying on your back to birth which is implied in the op 😊
@motherpilled Also just for clarification the cervix doesn’t open just bc of the position your in, tho position and movement can help, it opens bc there’s a baby’s head pushing it open.
May 27, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The mother child connection can be severed in all sorts of nefarious ways which have become normalized. From the way a birth can be sabotaged in hospital via obstetric violence, drugs and unnecessary intervention to lack of adequate support in postpartum.
The problem with things like surrogacy is that there was never a connection to begin with. The connection between a baby born via surrogacy and their mother hasn’t been broken it literally never existed to begin with.
May 27, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Please stop telling women not to birth on their backs. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a woman giving birth laying on her back as long as she CHOOSES to do so of her own desire. No birth position is wrong. Any position can be right for someone.
Women should simply be supported and encouraged to listen to their body, instincts and intuition when choosing the best position to birth in. The reason why birthing on your back gets a bad rep is because women are FORCED to in hospital.