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Mar 22, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵Like the Marxists, the CN movement can't defend itself on the basis of history. When asked what in history makes them think that CN will work, they sputter, bluster, & filibuster. They can't sell the past so they sell eschatology, just like the Marxists. The great problem is that CN has a historical track record. CN is one reason this glorious experiment was set up the way it was, as a classically liberal (tolerant) democratic Republic.
Jan 26, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
🧵Dear Baptists, the Reformed Churches confess infant baptism. They do so because their covenant theology leads (one cov of grace, multiple administrations) them to it. You deny it, bec your covenant theology leads you to your conclusion. We have different covenant theologies. We Reformed can't re-define Baptist to imply that your covenant theology is immaterial to being Baptist any more than you can re-define Reformed theology to imply that our covenant theology is immaterial.
Mar 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The current Administration wants you to pay $5.00 a gallon or more. They are religiously committed to reducing (or possibly ending) domestic oil production. They hate your pick up. They hate your suburban house. They hate you. Pls remember that. They also hate your suburban home. They have a big plan for you. It involves living in compact, urban rabbit warrens or depending on public transit to get to work. They don't care how much time you have to wait for a bus or how long the trip takes. They really don't.
Dec 4, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵We need to distinguish between a principled, Christian opposition to homosexuality as a behavior, orientation, & lifestyle and homophobia. The Apostle Paul was not afraid of homosexuals or homosexuality. He feared God and his wrath. He also loved homosexual sinners enough to incur their disapproval to tell them the truth that a homosexual orientation and behavior is contrary to natural and specially revealed law. It is destructive of the image. Indeed, he taught that sexual sin is not like all other sins inasmuch as
Dec 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
They aren’t busking, which is providing a service. They can’t play. That’s part of the scam.

Most (85%) of the “homeless” are drug addicts. You’re inly funding their habit. You’re not helping. They KNOW you feel guilty. Addicts are manipulators any way. An addict ONLY wants one thing: another hit. It’s hard to accept the fact that apparently needy people will look right you and lie but they do. What they need is Jesus and to get clean. They need to detox and then some treatment.
Dec 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The winnowing continues. This really is sad. A lot of good people are being ejected from the service of their country. We're going to look back on this episode and shake our heads at how panicked and rash we were. This is also about the exercise of control. The vax is good for 6 months at most. It's not as if there are no risks or nor ethical questions connected with the vaccine but never mind those.
Jun 16, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Uh no. If Baptists want to become Reformed, great! Adding predestination to a Baptist reading of redemptive history, Baptist polity, theology, piety, & practice does not make one Reformed. How dare I say such a thing? 1. Words mean things. 1/x 2/x 2. The word Reformed meant something before American Baptists (of whatever sort) discovered it. It signified a way of reading redemptive history (e.g., one cov of grace, multiple administrations and the theology, piety, & practice confessed by the Reformed churches).
Dec 19, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Thread. Saw a video re an officer-involved-shooting. Commenter(s) asked: “why didn’t the officer shoot him the leg?” This is why: shooting a firearm well is a lot like swinging a golf club. It involves a lot of fine motor movements, except, unlike hitting a golf ball there is an explosion in front of one’s face. It’s unnatural. Those things make shooting difficult even when she’s just on the range. Squeeze the grip just a little too hard and the shot goes down and to the left. Flinch in anticipation of the shot/bang and the shot goes wide.
Oct 25, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
This just isn’t true. It simply doesn’t follow and there is no evidence that the apostles or early post-apostolic church intended to say Ekklesia, in Christsn use, meant what it meant in secular usage.
Sep 16, 2020 31 tweets 5 min read
It would help the evangelical discussion re church/state (e.g., masks, distancing, meeting indoors etc) to distinguish between the state's interest in regulating things *around* worship, that are common to all gatherings, and regulating the material of worship. We all recognize (or we did before Covid) that the community, as represented by civil gov't, has a proper interest in the general welfare of the community. Thus, I'm unaware of any church that has refused to allow the fire dept or the health dept to do inspections.
May 25, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
The distinction between *for* and *from* is the distinction between law & gospel, between the covenants of works & grace. Learn it well. There are a number of teachers/preachers within NAPARC & without who teach that we do good works *for* salvation. Some say that good works are the instrument of “final salvation.”
May 8, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
The people who tell you "Reformed Is Not Enough" almost never know what they're talking about. First try actually being Reformed for a week before you start telling people to move on. People who tell you that "Reformed Is Not Enough" and who corrupt the holy gospel are not qualified to criticize the Reformed faith. They don't even get the gospel right.
Apr 21, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read

To whom it may concern, Geerhardus Vos was not a Baptist. He did not read the history of redemption the way Baptists do. He saw ONE covenant of grace running throughout redemptive history, with various administrations. Recognizing progress in the revelation and realizing of redemption does not make one a proto-Baptist. The Reformed have ALWAYS done this. For Vos, as a Reformed theologian, the covenants in the OT were the covenant of grace.
Mar 2, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
@joythruChrist @PrometheusX303 Jen,

@JulesDiner is correct. The expression “Reformed Baptist” is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. One is either Reformed or Baptist. One cannot be both. This is not uncharitable. This is the truth.

@joythruChrist @PrometheusX303 @JulesDiner The expression “Reformed Baptist” has only become widely used very recently. The earliest usage I’ve seen dates to 1823, almost 3 centuries after the meaning of “Reformed” was established. That 19th-cent usage is ambiguous. 2/x
Feb 10, 2020 34 tweets 6 min read
This thread illustrates what happens when Reformed theology is reduced to divine sovereignty. The premise is that as long was attribute our works to grace, doctrines like “final justification...based on works” are Reformed. This is one of the many reason I object to the reductionist (re-) definition of Reformed. With it we not only lose the rest of our theology, piety, & practice but our ecclesiastical confessions.
Jan 15, 2020 67 tweets 9 min read
Thread. Theonomy/Reconstructionism (overlapping movements, with distinguishing interests but sufficiently similar to be treated as one thing) is a controversial ideology, which has been rejected by most orthodox Reformed churches and people. Nevertheless, it has succeeded in gaining adherents for two reasons: 1) it seems biblical on the surface; 2) it offers clear-cut answers and certainty to difficult questions.
Nov 14, 2019 17 tweets 3 min read
Thread on paedocommunion.

Thesis: American evangelicalism is essentially Baptistic. From a Reformed POV, Baptists conflate (identify, confuse) the sign of outward initiation into the covenant people with the sign of renewal. In their system baptism does both. When American evangelicals come into Reformed Churches they bring their Baptistic assumptions with them. They are so pervasive, so widely assumed, that many don’t even realize that they making assumptions. For them what they assume is what everyone around them assumes.
Nov 7, 2019 28 tweets 4 min read
TFW people doing history and theology on the internet to complain about people doing history and theology on the internet. 😂 The good news is not: Jesus died for everyone who ever lived, to make it possible for you to be saved, if you do your part.
Aug 18, 2019 26 tweets 4 min read
Tullian violated his oath, violated God’s law repeatedly, had extra-marital sex with a married member of his congregation, was defrocked, was given ANOTHER position of trust, broke that, defied presbytery & session, & has planted a church. “Across Christian denominations, it’s generally the professional and moral standard that clergy refrain from sexual contact with parishioners, said Nancy Duff, the Stephen Colwell Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Princeton Theological Seminary.”
Jul 26, 2019 21 tweets 4 min read
Thread. The Founders trailer imbroglio—I’ve never had the opportunity to use that word before—illustrates what happens when the culture war trumps gospel truth. I understand the temptation to put the culture crisis before doctrine. The critics of the Federal Vision theology heard this critique regularly: “you guys are concerned about fine points of doctrine but the social crisis before us is too great to be arguing about that.”
Jul 9, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
As to who is Reformed, ⁦@affectedbytruth⁩ gets it. This THE historical designation. It’s not that difficult. “Reformed Baptist” is oxymoronic. Learn Baptist history. Learn Reformed history. Which Reformed Church in the 16/17th cent called PBs “Reformed”? Hint: None. Do you know what the Reformed Churches called the Baptists (all of them)? Anabaptists. Now, I don’t entirely agree with this assessment but it’s not *entirely* wrong. There are obvious points of agreement and connection.