Richard Wyn Jones Profile picture
Athro Gwleidyddiaeth Cymru
Apr 9, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read

Just how much money has the UK govt overspent on Test&Trace and PPE because of the – ahem – *particular* way that it’s chosen to procure them?

You know, Dido H, contracts to businesses (coincidentally, obvs) run by mates, and the rest
I think we can put a number on it

As an absolute minimum it's £8,900,000,000

Let me explain
Feb 16, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
The UK govt’s paper on free speech in Unis (with implications for Wales) is getting a lot of attention.

Worth noting then that an important part of the evidence-base on which it rests relates to (demonstrably false) claims about my own institution
1/… If you read the UK govt paper you’ll see that for evidence of the alleged problem in Unis, the UK government relies heavily on two research papers published by Policy Exchange in 2019 and 2020. Take a look here...

Nov 1, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
This is (inadvertently) so revealing by @DPJHodges - even if one suspects that there was some last minute rewriting after it became clear that England is nowbeing forced into a longer, harsher lockdown than Wales' because it didn't go early enough...

Three points stand out

1/ First, generally speaking, and to the author's fairly obvious irritation, people in areas where transmission is high are clearly understanding of the decision to go for the firebreak - which is what the Welsh polling has already told us, of course.

Jul 25, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read

1. Count the ways in which this is just bizarre...

A change of direction for a better Wales… via @wordpressdotcom 2.**The gratuitous decision to rubbish previous manifesto writers. It’s no surprise that @DavidMeldingMS is standing down, but after being so rudely told to sling his hook you wonder if he’ll now speak out more forcefully in his remaining time on the Tory benches?
Jan 14, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Unexpectedly, the 1997 referendum on Welsh devolution is back in the news.

Setting aside Theresa May's misremembering/rank hypocrisy [delete according to taste] concerning her own and her own party's position, the lesson of Wales 1997 is actually about 'loser's consent' 1/ Welsh devolutionists (led by Ron Davies) fully realised that there was a real legitimacy question resulting from the very narrow referendum result. They worried about it, thought about and got people like myself to brief them about it in pretty lurid terms 2/