Royal Society for Public Health Profile picture
An independent charity dedicated to the promotion and protection of people's health and wellbeing.
Feb 3, 2022 13 tweets 14 min read
Covid-19 has exposed the limits of the public health status quo – but what should come next?
Delighted to host this #RSPHSparksDebates event #ReimaginingPublicHealth alongside
@JyotsnaVohra 5 key learnings from the pandemic are:
✔️The virus continues to circulate
✔️It impacts on all sectors
✔️Decisions require explicit trade offs
✔️Collective responses are powerful and needed
✔️Public health vital for societies and economies
says @davidnabarro #RSPHSparksDebates
Feb 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
We are now two years on from when the first positive cases of Covid-19 were recorded in the UK

Since then, the UK has had:
>156 thousand deaths
>17.3 million cases
>138 million vaccinations
(1/5) We are profoundly grateful for the immense sacrifices made by our health workforce to save lives, and also to the public, for facing long periods of isolation, often with significant financial difficulties, to keep each other safe. (2/5)