Aaron Alexander Profile picture
Teacher, Translator, Torah Follower
Jan 27, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I wish I didn’t need to say it. I will likely not do it perfectly. Thread.

I’m a Co-Senior Rabbi serving along side the 1st woman in my movement to ever serve in this capacity for a synagogue of our size—huge. There are 4 other full-time clergy in our synagogue, all women. 1/ I am also married to a Rabbi. Here’s what happens regularly. In any clergy-combination I find myself, including with my co-senior, with the exception of those who know us well, people address themselves to me. Often times as if the other isn’t even there. Or barely there. 2/
Feb 3, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Brief thread--One halakhic (Jewish legal) position offered humbly back in the 19th century....

The preeminent Hakham Yosef Hayyim (1832 - 1904) was asked whether or not a woman with a 5-month old fetus, impregnated through adultery or unmarried, could abort the pregnancy. 1/5 And, also, whether or not it would be permitted for others to assist in her having the medical procedure done (taking her to the doctor, etc).

He began his answer like this: "In this matter, I don’t want to give a general ruling—either to permit or prohibit. 2/5