Rachel Adam-Smith Profile picture
Mum & carer. Original “Mustard patient”. Powered by batteries #CHD ❤️. Ex cabin crew. Law graduate. Disability Campaigner. Views mine 📸dogs mine 🐾
Jul 18, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
An unpaid carer can’t just leave the house, go for a walk, pick up some shopping, go to the gym.

An unpaid carer has to go through a carers assessment, has to justify the need to go for a walk, pick up shopping, go to the gym. 🧵 And then, the social worker has to agree the hours you need, many often only get “4 hours freedom a week, even then it has to go to panel be agreed by others, others that don’t even know you, as to whether you should be “allowed this free time” 🧵
Jun 5, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A thread

#realcarersweek #unpaidcarers

If unpaid carers are being asked by professionals if they’ve thought about ending their life – then something is clearly wrong about the way unpaid carers are being treated 🧵 When you became an unpaid carer did you realise you might struggle to get breaks, that you’d have to continue to work even when you felt unwell.  Imagine knowing that you wouldn’t get a break from your job, that you had to work every day of the year, 24 hours a day regardless 🧵
Sep 9, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
A story about universal credit. This month F turned 20. I was receiving £880 child element & disability element plus child benefit. All that has gone. I received £151 instead (they deducted £50 as they state they overpaid me one month).🧶 Will I have enough to pay for our home & all associated costs. Anxiously I’ve waited to see what she’ll receive. Gone through all the assessments for limited capability for work. Contacted welfare rights who advised me what she is entitled to. Was this all necessary? 🧶